World Languages Credit By Exam (2025)


FCPS students in grades 7 through 12 who have proficiency in one of the tested languages.

  • Students may take the exam a maximum of two times per language.
  • Students may only take one exam per language per school year.

Students should meet with their counselor for academic advising to determine credit needs and eligibility for the exam.

If a student would benefit from the exam, read the proficiency level expectations (below) for the assessment before registering for the exam. Registration for the exam is recommended for students who can perform in the language according to the guidelines.

Proficiency Level Expectations

Are you wondering if you should take this exam this year? Think about what you can do in the testing language in a variety of contexts about familiar and everyday topics.

LanguageNovice High
(1 credit)
Intermediate Low
(2 credits)
Intermediate Mid
(3 credits)
Modern Languages
  • I can understand and communicate using simple sentences most of the time.
  • I can ask and answer simple practiced questions on familiar and everyday topics.
  • I can understand and communicate using simple sentences consistently.
  • I can ask appropriate follow-up questions.
  • I can understand and communicate, using a series of connected sentences.
  • I can ask a variety of follow-up questions.
  • I can tell a story using a series of connected sentences.
LatinI can identify the topic and some isolated facts from simple sentences in informational and short fictional texts.I can identify the topic and related information from simple sentences in short informational and fictional texts.I can understand the main idea and key information in short straightforward informational and fictional texts.


  1. Fill out and sign the World Languages Credit By Exam Notification of Registration Opportunity form.
  2. Bring the form to the school counselor.

Important Dates

  • Registration opens Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 8 a.m.
  • Registration closes on Friday, October 4, 2024 at 4 p.m.

Testing Dates, Times, and Locations

Beginning in the 2024 school year, students will take the World Languages Credit by Exam at their own middle or high school in November.

There will not be evening division-wide testing sites or administration as in years past.

Contact the school counselor for more information about the school-based testing session.

Preparing for the Exam


Visit the Avant STAMP FCPS landing page

The Avant STAMP page includes many important resources for students and families including:

  • Overview information about the test.
  • Video tutorials on how to set up your device and language keyboards for the test.
  • Instructions on installing a language keyboard for use during the test.
  • Test taker guide.
  • Rules for taking the test.
  • Writing examples.
  • Sample tests to practice with the format of the test and available tools.

    Students should practice typing and speaking in the testing language on the Avant sample test before the test.

  • Strategies to increase performance.
  • Rubric and resources for understanding score results.

Special Characters

For some languages, students must install and activate virtual international keyboards on their FCPS-issued Chromebook.

All other languages that require special characters or diacritical marks will include a character box where the appropriate symbols and accented letters are included in the test and can be clicked.

American Sign Language (ASL)

Students testing in ASL should practice video recording themselves signing in ASL, paying attention to signing space.

Students are also encouraged to practice watching videos in ASL and identifying the following:

  • Isolated facts.
  • Topic and related information.
  • Main idea and key information.


Students should practice reading Classical texts and identifying the following:

  • Isolated facts.
  • Topic and related information.
  • Main idea and key information.

FCPS Paper-Pencil

Students taking the FCPS Paper-Pencil exam for only Pashto, Sanskrit, or Twi, should:

  • Be able to consistently and accurately describe and narrate personal experiences in multiple-paragraph essays.
  • Be able to use complete sentences and form coherent paragraphs.
  • Take time to practice writing paragraphs and stories before the exam.

Download the practice topics (PDF) and scoring criteria (PDF).

To earn a higher score, students must:

  • Elaborate on ideas and extend sentences
  • Add details and use a variety of expressions
  • Organize sentences into cohesive paragraphs
  • Provide vivid descriptions
  • Use accurate punctuation, spelling, diacritical marks, and word choice.

What Do I Bring?

Students may not bring any headphones, pens, pencils, paper, books, dictionaries, notes, other resources, or other materials into the exam room.


Students must bring their FCPS-issued, fully charged Chromebook.

Students that use their own laptop will need to borrow a Chromebook from their school.

All Exams

  • Cell phones are permitted. They must be powered off while in the testing location.
  • Students may bring backpacks and bags into the exam room. They must be left at the entrance to the exam room and retrieved by the students when exiting the exam.

Scoring and Results

An assessor, who is proficient in the exam language, scores the exam.

Results In SIS


  • Exam results will be available and reported to Student Services at your school.
  • Student transcripts are updated as Pass (P) credits.

Results By Mail

Students will receive a letter mailed to their home address to confirm their results with a basic summary of their performance on the test.

Due to the volume of tests, the letters will take more time to process for mailing.

After the Exam

  • Students who earn one credit on the exam may enroll in level two.
  • Students who earn two credits on the exam may enroll in level three.
  • Students who earn three credits on the exam may continue their study of the language in the upper levels.

The option to enroll in the next level depends on whether the language is available at the base school, academy, or online.

Additional Ways to Earn World Language Credits

High school students may earn up to four World Languages credits from the ESOL 5720 and 5730 courses. These credits may apply toward graduation requirements and toward the Advanced Studies Diploma.

Middle school students may earn up to two World Languages credits from ESOL 5710, 5720, and 5730 courses. These credits may apply toward graduation requirements and toward the Advanced Studies Diploma.

World Languages Credit By Exam (2025)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.