The Wichita Eagle from Wichita, Kansas (2024)

SWIMMERS TO GET AWARDS AT 'Y. Campaign to Instruct Boys Ends Successfully and Lads to Show Skill The week of free. swimming instruction for Wichita boys came to a. successful conclusion this past week, with over 550 boys enrolled. Athletic Director in general charge instruction, stated that very satisfactory results had come of the efforts, with practically all of boys learning to swim some distance, while 128 of those who finally took the test, swam 50 feet or better, using the approved crawl stroke.

While these youngsters have shown the ability to go places in the water, the authorities have been very careful to make plain to the youngsters that they still have much practice ahead before they are to consider themable to take of selveselves in the water. They have been warned, against venturing into deep without adequate supervision. Each year the holds recognition exercises for the youngsters have worked hard and managed to pass the test. This group! is divided into two sections, which wills come on Thursday night of this week with their parents for exercises, the award of the swimmer's button, and the demonstration in the pool, at which time the youngsters in swimming suits will show the parents just how they learned to swim and what they are now able to do. This will then be followed by a demonstration of life saving activities and advanced swimming by the advanced, swimmers' group of the In connection with these exercises, Elsie E.

Baird will address the parents on one of the evenings, and O. A. Boyle will speak to them on the second evening. In connection with these two evenings, the authorities are sending out notices to the boys who passed the test, indicating just which evening they are to come for their award. Four Undefeated Teams in Church League Softball Nearing of the end of the first round of play, the 21 teams in the leagues of the Sunday School Softball play are working hard to obtain good positions and qualify for the final playoff at the end of the season.

spite of the rains of the week, the leagues managed to play two games and thus keep up with the schedule. Some excellently played games. came out of the week's play. Among the close hard-fought ones was the 9-6 defeat of Waco U. B.

by West Side Baptist, 5-2 win of Faith Baptist over 1st M. E. Young Men's, a 3-2 defeat of Faith Baptist by Riverside Christian, and the 4-3 win of Central Christian over Waco U. B. All of these games were Section In Section II, West Side U.

B. won a hard one, 9-7, from First Baptist, and Trinity M. E. won 4-1 from 1st Presbyterian. West Side Christian, playing its' usual strong game, won 6-1 from Wellington Baptist.

The standing of the teams at the end of the week's play is as follows: Section I Pct. West Side Baptist 1.000 Riverside Christian 1:000 Central Christian .714 Meridian Baptist .667 1st U. B. .571 Faith Baptist .429 Waco U. B.

.333 Grace M. E. .167 College Hill M. E. .0 Ist M.

E. Young Men Section II West Side Christian 1.000 Asbury M. E. 1.000 1st M. E.

Fidelis Trinity M. E. .750 West Side U. B. .571 1st Presbyterian First Baptist 01 Christian 6 Wellington Pl.

Baptist 6 Bethany M. E. .0 Calvary Presbyterian .0 7 The schedule for next week's play is follows: Monday, June 14-South End, Mathewson's Pasture: West diamond- -1st U. vs. Faith Baptist.

Center diamondGrace M. E. vs. Waco U. B.

East mond- -College Hill M. E. vs. 1st M. Young Men At East high No.

3-Meridian Ave. Baptist faces Central Christian, what should be a hard game. At Roosevelt or. East high West Side Baptist meets Riverside Christian in one of the crucial games of the contest. as these two teams are tied for first place in Section I.

latter game will be played on one of East high diamonds. At Payne's Pasture No. 1-Trinity M. vs. 1st M.

E. Fidelis. This should be hard fought match. Payne's No. 2-1st Presbyterian vs.

West Side U. B. at son -West Side Christian vs. Asbury M. This also should be worth going miles see.

as these two teams are tied for place in Section II. At Washington--Calvary Presbyterian will meet Bethany, M. At East high No. 4-First Baptist meets Wellington Baptist. Fairview Christian draws, a bye: On Thursday, June 17-At Mathewson's pasture.

-Faith Baptist vS. Waco B. Center diamond-1st B. VS M. -E.

Young Men. Mathewson East mond: Grace -M. E. vs. Central Christian.

At East high No. 3-College Hill M. E. Riverside Christian. At East high--West Side Baptist vs.

Meridian Avenue Baptist. There is natural rivalry between these teams and this should produce a contest. At Payne's pasture No. 1-1st Presbyterian vs. Fairview Christian.

At Payne's No. 2-West Side Christian vs. 1st M. Fidelis. This game should be one for fans to witness.

At -Calvary Presbyterian meets. West Side U. B. Washington First Baptist vs. Asbury F.

At East high No. 4-Wellington Baptist vs, Bethany M. E. Trinity M. draws a bye.

All of those games start 6:15 p. and are open to the public without charge. BY THE ASSOCIATED Standings. of the leaders each league). Player.

Club AB Medwick. Cardinals 43 163 38 66 Jordan. Reds .36 116 19 45 Gehrig, Yankees 45 170 33 65 Greenberg. Tigers .49 187 Vaughan, Pirates .45 178 28. 67 Bell, Browns 184 30 68 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Los Angeles 1-1: Missions 3-2.

San Francisco San Diego 14. Oakland 0: Sacramento 2. I'VE MAGIC YOU THE WICHITA EAGLE, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 13, 193. THE WICHITA EAGLE Classified Advertising Local Rates Per Word Per Day One Sunday 4 1-6c One week day 3 2-3c 3 cansecutive days, including Sunday 3 1-6c 09 consecutive week. days 3 5-6c consecutive days 1-3c All advertisem*nts of 18 words or less are published with the following minimum charges: For 1 Sunday 75 For week day .66 For 3 days, including Sunday 1.71 3 week days 1.53 4 week 2.04 Four days, including Sunday 2.28 One week 2.94 One month 7.20 DIAL 2-4431 The Wichita Eagle reserves the right to edit or reject any classified advertisem*nt.

Ten per cent discount is to be subtracted from charges on any ad paid for in advance or within a week after: the first insertion no pastdue charges remain still unpaid on our books. No allowance can be made for failure to receive statements. Errors in Classified Advertisem*nts should be reported immediately as The Wichita Eagle will be responsible for one incorrect insertion only if the value of the ad is clearly lessened. The Wichita Eagle endeavors to print cnly truthful want ads and will appreciate having its attention called 'to any advertisem*nt not conforming to the highest standards of honesty. An ad on a long-time order may be cancelled at any time before 9 p.

m. MAKE NOTE OF THE CANCELLATION NUMBER GIVEN BY THE CLERK TAKING THE KILL ORDER.) The charge will then be on the regular rate for the number of days pubjished-at the rate thus earned. Outside of Kansas and Oklahoma. The Eagle classified rate is five (5) cents per word per day on minimum of 15 words. A word is any group of one or more letters or figures between two spaces between a space and a hyphen (hyphen counting as spaces.) The classified ad department is open from 8 a.

m. until 9 p. m. every day to accept ads to be published in the Morning and Evening Eagles of the following day. Ads received Saturday (up to the final.

deadline at 9 p. will be inserted in the earliest possible edition and will be published for certain in the Sunday Wichita home and. morning street edition. ANNOUNCEMENTS An 18-word ad in this classification 101 three days for 7 days for $2.94 Call 2-4431 for an ad taker Cemeteries and Mortuaries CHOICE LOT FOR SALEAt Maple Grove cemetery, cheap. Call 4-7044.

CEMETERY LOT--For sale, Jot) grave, Memorial Lawns, very best outside location. Inquire Edler. 4-2341. Health Hygiene "606" and "914" Blood Test Wasserman $3 In blood and veneral diseases I offer you results am giving others daily. Come to me and stop talking sickening mixtures, patent medicines, friends' prescriptions.

Success comes only by going after the real cause. If you are interested of in treating yourself, let me explain my way this most important subject. Blood Poison, Private, Kidney, Bladder and Prostate Gland diseases. Blood tests made: X-ray $1 DR. TIPTON 200-207 Bitting Wichita, Kan.

MEN GET VIGOR AT ONCE -New Ostrex tonic tablets contain raw oyster invigorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands, blood. Regular price $1. Introductory price, 89c. For sale at Dockum and Cut Rate Drug.

FREE If excess acid causes you Stomach Ulcers Gas Pains, Indigestion, Heartburn. FREE sample doctor's prescription, Udga. at Dockum Drug Stores. Personals WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE -For debts made by anyone other than myself. E.

W. Rymon. Electric SEWERS Roto-Rooter CLEANED (Alexander) without digging. 4-9164. GUARANTEED TO GROW HAIR- On the baldest head.

Falling hair stopped at once. Mme. Elnora Miller, 320 N. Main. WE -Newspapers, magazines.

Bring them to us. We will call for, weigh and pay at your door. KANSAS WASTE PAPER 733 S. St. Francis.

2-4549. WANTED Original poems. songs, for immediate consideration. Send poems to Columbia Music Publishers, Dept. B4, Toronto, Can.

JUNIOR BASEBALL AMERICAN LEAGUE Monday, June 14. 5:30 m. Diamond No. 1, Builders VS. N.

End Tigers. Diamond No. 2 Snyders vs. National Garage. Diamond No.

3 Gas House Gang VS. Al Bales Pies. 3:30 p. m. Diamond No.

1 A Water Co. vs. Junior Monarchs. Wednesday, June 16th. 5:30 p.

m. Diamond No. 1 Builders vs, A Water Co. Diamond No. 2 Snyders vs.

Gas House Gang. Diamond No. 3 National Garage v6. Al Bales Pies. 3:30 p.

m. Diamond No. 1 North End Tigers 78. Junior Monarchs. NATIONAL LEAGUE Tuesday, June 15th.

5:30 p. m. Diamond No. 1 Barretts vs. West Side Irish.

Diamond No. 2 Panthers vs. Blessed Sacrament. Diamond No. 3 Newsies V8.

Col. All Stars. 3:30 p. m. Diamond No.

1 Brown Bombers vs. Lumberjacks. Thursday June 17th, 5:30 p. m. Diamond No.

1 News vs. Blessed Sacrament. Diamond No. 2 Brown Bombers vs. 'Bar- retts.

Diamond No. 3 Col. All Stars VS. Panthers. 3:30 p.

m. Diamond No. 1 Lumberjacks vs. West Side Irish. WESTERN LEAGUE Monday June 14th.

1:30 m. Diamond No. 1 Kisers. Cubs 'vs. Oilers.

Diamond No. 2 Blue Birds vs. N. End All Stars. Diamond No.

3 Cleveland All Stars vs. 3 West Side Midgets. Wednesday June 15th. 1:30 p. mg Diamond No.

1 Oilers vs. N. End All Stars. Diamond No. 2 Cleveland All Stars VS.

Kiser Cubs. Diamond No. 3 Blue Binds vs. West' Side Midgets. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION Tuesday, June 15th.

1:30 p. m. 1 Diamond No. 1 Wildcats vs. Orioles.

Diamond No. 2 N. End Midgets vs. Steffens. Diamond No.

3 Gooches All Stars vs. East Side Sluggers. Thursday June 17th. 1:30 p. m.

Diamond No. No. 2 1 Gooches Orioles All vs. Stars Steffens. Wild vs.

Cats. Diamond 3 East Side Sluggers vs. N. End Midgets. 2 FRIDAY RESULTS East Side Sluggers Steffens 16.

Wildcats N. E. Midgets 0 (forfeit). Brown Bombers Colored All. Stars 0 (forfeit).

West Side Irish 9: Blessed Sacrament 3. Dougherty Press 8, Panthers 7. Barrett Tigers 3: M. L. News 6.

THAT'S HERE'S A NEW ONE- SAY MAYBE APPLES FLYIN' OUTS SOME YOU'VE THING GOT OF A HAT THERE Want Ad Index ANNOUNCEMENTS In Memoriam Cards of Thanks Cemeteries and Flowers and Health and Hygiene Special Notices Legal Notices 5A Business Notices Personals Psychic Interpreters 7A Travel Opportunities TB Amusem*nts Vacation and Pleasure Resorts 8A Societies and Lodges 9 Strayed. 10 'AUTOMOTIVE Autos Automobiles for Trade for Sale 1 Airplanes for Sale. 11A for 12 Trailer Coaches 12A Accessories and Tires. 13 Auto Storage and 14 Auto palE 15 Motorcycles, Bicycles. 16 Wanted.

17 BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service 18 Building and 19 Beauty 19A Clean, Dye, 20 Mattresses Renovated. 20 A Dressmaking, Fur Repair. 21 Tailoring and Pressing. 22 Insurance, Surety 23 Laundering 24 Moving, 25 Painting, Decorating. 26 Plumbing and 27 Professional 28 Baths and 28A Repairing, Upholstering, Refinishing 29 Electrical 29 A EDUCATIONAL Schools and 31 Flying 31A EMPLOYMENT Help 32 Help Wanted, 33 Help Wanted, 34 Help Wanted, Male and Female 35 Help Wanted.

with 35A Employment Agencies. 36 Salesmen and 37 Agents 38 Situation 39 Situation 40 FINANCIAL Stocks, Business Bonds, Opportunities. 1 Money to Loan-AutosFurniture 43 Money to Loan Property .43 A Money to Loan on Real Estate. Oil 44 Wanted to 45 LIVESTOCK Dogs, Cats, Pets. 46 Public 47 Cattle, Horses, 48 Wanted--Livestock 48A Farm Implements.

49 Machinery and 49A Plants-Shrubs-Seeds 50 Grain-Feed-Fertilizer 51 Poultry and 52 Poultry 52A Game 53 MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale. 54 Outboard Articles for 55 Articles for 55A Articles 56 Good Things to 57 Clothing, Furs, 58 Diamonds and 59 Building 60 Coal, Oil, 61 Office, Store 62 Typewriters 62A Musical 64 Tuning and 64A Radio 65 Radio 65B Electric 65C Household 66 Household Goods 66A ROOMS FOR RENT Rooms with 67 Rooms without Board. 68 Rooms--Housekeeping 69 Restaurants, 69 A Wanted-Room, Board. 70 Wanted-Rooms, 71 RENTALS Apartments 72 Apartments 73 Business Places for 74 Offices and 75 Houses Furnished. 76 Houses 77 Farms and Land for 78 Resident 79 Suburban for 80 Wanted to 81 Rental Agencies.

81A REAL ESTATE Business Property for 82 Farms Land for 83 Houses for 84 Lots for 85 Real Estate 86 Suburban for 87 Real Estate 88 Real Estate 89 ANNOUNCEMENTS Personals HAYS NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY Suite 311 Kaufman Building; Wichita. Industrial. Criminal. Civil. Domestic Cases YOUR HOROSCOPE Delineated.

Send birth data, including time and place born. $1.00. Merla Lee, 206 S. Oxford, Los Angeles. Psychic Interpreters 7A An 18-word ad in this classification for 7 days, $2.94: 30 days, $9.00.

Call 2-4431 for ad taker. SCORPIO MEDIUM Reading 50c. questions 25c. Writer Send Birth Date. 4-6785, 1402 Ohio.

LOTTIE SUPERIOR GIFTED A READER I Inform You Correctly Readings 25c, 8 a. p. m. 815 S. Lorraine MADAM Scientific Readings $1.

Natural born seeress, common sense advisor, will answer the most difficult problems. A reading from her will convince of her power and wisdom. She needs no introduction to Wichita patrons because of her past years of successful service to them. Open daily 10 a. m.

to 8 m. 117 S. Topeka Acacia Hotel DON'T WORRY! Consult LADY LEE when upset about love, business, or family troubles. Life is what you make it. Have you the moral courage to help yourself to happiness? Come hear the truth.

Special reading, 50c. 1002 S. MAIN Week days. Sunday Licensed Medium FRANCIS, Trance Reader Phone 5-0961 1642 Woodland Travel Opportunities 7B WANTED PASSENGERTo share to California. 3-6302.

LOS ANGELES- -Driving new car; room for 2 or 3. Help share expenses and drive car. Call 3-9755. Vacation Places 8A RESTMORE- camp, 18 miles south on Broadway, mile west. Rates day.

week, month. Phone 4301. Peck. Kansas. CLEAN, FURNISHED MT.

CABINS -Rates from Mrs. Harbison, Buffalo Creek, Colo. Describe your party. Reference, Wichita phone 42F24. CABIN FOR RENTPhone 120F5.

miles south of Belle Plaine. 5 ROOM acres. Knotty pine interior. Not finished. Price $2,800.

53 Little. Phone 55F23. Lost and Found 10 BROWN SUIT CASE Lost Thursday between bus depot and North End. Papers of G. S.

Cowell inside. Reward. Return to 2171 S. Broadway. GOLF CLUBS AND Other articlesLost at Union Station building Saturday Reward.

2-6597. LOST--A pair of glasses in tan leather case. Call 2-5172. ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS SERVICE Beauty Shops 19A $1.00 June Special $1.00 $2 Oil Permanents $1. Others $1.50 up.

MILDRED GORMAN BEAUTY SHOP 223 5 Main. 2-9929. PERMANENT SPECIAL $5 Lavender oil plies. Mrs. Huffman.

1717 Park Place permanent. rain water, new sup2-0038. Special PERMANENTS $1.95 TO $5 Machineless $3.50 up. Finger wave 25c with Shampoo Soft water FAMILY BEAUTY SHOP 406 F. Douglas, Phone 2-9259 BUCK'S Shampoo, Oil fgr.

Permanent wave $100 220 W. Douglas. Kathryn Hauser 2-9216. PARIS 1106 Cooled) PERMANENT $1 E. Douglas.

Evening, Florence Hayes, Mgr FORD'S, 2-9896 Beautiful permanents, pushup waves. ringlet ends, $1.50 to $5. waves 25c. Evening appointments 807 Douglas SPECIAL Permanent Complete $1.00 AMERICAN. 415 E.

Douglas. 2-9416. $1 PERMANENT CHIC Permanents SHOP $1.95, Cpposite Nomar Theater, 2150 Market 2-9578 Mattresses Renovated 20A MATTRESSES -We specialize in rebuilding mattresses Into beautiful innerspring mattresses. KANSAS MATTRESS cO 830 S. St.

Francis. 2-0357. OLD MATTRESS Made like new: spring filled our specialty NORTH END MATTRESS Factory. 218 East 18th. Phone 2-9979 GLIDER AND SWING PADS Rebuilt and Recovered.

Call us for free estimates. Wetterhold Mattress Co. 4-4521 WE-Remake cotton mattresses into modern Relaxon innerspring mattresses. West Side Mattress 615 W. Doug.

2-3224. Dressmaking, Fur Repair 21 SLIP COVERS, DRAPES -And CURTAINS made to order. Prices reasonable. call 3-4503. ALTERATIONS AND SUITS A SPECIALTY -Also plain and fancy sewing 1922 S.

Wichita Phone 3-7351. DRESSMAKING- Of all kinds Evening and graduation dresses. uniforms. coat lining. alterations.

Experienced Reasonable prices. 1124 4-9438 SEE MRS. ROE--For all kinds of sewing. 853 N. St.

Francis. 2-6368. DRESSMAKING--In your home. Alterations a specialty. Phone 3-5719.

Insurance Surety Bonds 23 FIRE AND TORNADO--InsurancE bonds and casualty ROBERT E. ISRAEL CO. Bitting Bldg 4-3377 Over 8,000 Satisfied Policy Holders in Wichita Wichita Eagle TRAVEL ACCIDENT INSURANCE PAYS Buy Protection $7,500 TRAVEL ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICY ALL FOR $1.00 only $1.00 Phone 2-4431 Laundering 24 WET WASH LB. Rough Dry 6c. Thrifty 5c, Family finished 10c.

Call for. Deliver. 2-5988. WET WASH, dry. 6c.

Thrifty. 5c. Family finish, 10c. Soft water. Called for and delivered.

3-8402. FAMILY LAUNDRY -Rough finished, by piece dozen. Call for, deliver. 2339 Wellington Place. formerly 1154 N.

Topeka 2-6258 LAUNDRY Work wanted, rough dry or finished. Called for and delivered. 2-7237. LAUNDRY- -By piece or dozen, rough or finished: Special, 3 doz. finished $1.

Called for, delivered. 2-5616. LAUNDRY WORK WANTED -Wet wash, rough dry or finished; curtains carefully stretched. Call and deliver. 3-9396.

Moving, Storage 25 An 18-word ad 1n this classification for three days for 7 days for 30 days, $7.20. Call 2-4431 for an ad taker. CITY DISTANCE MOVING, LOWEST RATES. RELIABLE 3-4156. A.

B. C. Transfer. 1034 S. Broadway TRANSFER -TRUCKING W.

D. A. 4-1314 JAYNE TRANSFER--Large vans, by load, hour or contract; long distance; reasonable rates. Phone 2-5084. 419 N.


2-9045 Minnich Storage Co. TRANSFERRING N. Water WEST SIDE TRANSFER-Large vans for moving. Local, long distance. Reasonable rates.

Al Baenisch. 312 N. Walnut. 4-3262 MOVING SHERM MEYER STORAGE Red Transfer, 214 S. Wichita.

2-5732 ATHERTON TRANSFER Topeka-2-2187 STORAGE MOVING- -Both local and long distance. Shipping-PackingDelivery Service 25A HOT SHOT- -Delivery and Messenger SERVICE, insured, bonded, fast and efficient service. 115 S. Water. 4-0362.

Painting, Decorating 26 PAINTINGFirst class varnishing and enameling. 2-4506. PAPERHANGING-Painting, Paper patch 5c roll plaster- up. Work guaranteed. Estimates free.

4-2539, N. E. Dean. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING--Firstclass work guaranteed. reasonable.

Samples shown. Call Hayes. Phone 4-1754. Estimate free. PAINTING--By master painters.

We carry liability insurance. Call 2-3233. PAPERHANGING And Painting, interior or exterior. Work guaranteed. Samples shown.

Phone 3-6067. ROOFING, PAINTING- -Application by experienced workmen Houston-Doughty Lumber Co. 2-5464. PAPERHANGING Paper Shown in Your Home A. A.

KUSH, 2138 S. Water. 3-6974 PAINTING-Paperhanging, Patch Plastering. Work guaranteed. Prices reasonable.

Bert Vester, 1030 N. Topeka. 5-2783. PAINTING Interior, exterior; A-1 materials, and workmanship guaranteed. Reasonable.

M. H. FALLIS. 2-3829. PAINTING -Papering, glass setting, plastering, floor sanding, finishing.

Work guaranteed. Estimates free. Reasonable. ALFRED COOK, 2326 Arkansas. 5-2367.

PAPERHANGING-Patch plastering and interior decorating. LOW prices, need work. Work guaranteed. Rural calls specialty. Weekly, 2-2204.

Sluggish Brown Bomber Is Worrying Ardent Ring Fans Louis No Longer a Tiger Man and Killer Is Verdict After Watching Him Go Through Ring Paces; Title Seems to Be of No Big Moment KENOSHA, June is if in the annals of heavyweight championship competition a challenger for the world's title hias represented a larger or more robust question mark than does Joe Louis. Just how good is the Brown Bomber? Critics who have seen Shufflin' Joe go through his training paces here, in preparation, for his titular fracas Braddock at Comiskey Park, Chicago, one week from Tuesday night, seem unable to reach anything even remotely approximating a definite estimate of the Socker. To he looks slow and slugSepias, gish, and comports himself with the general air for one who is tired and with all. To others, he is fast and nimble as ever, but appears to have lost the old zip and whang in his punching. In one respect, all seem agreed that Louis the fighter he was two years ago.

"Something unquestionably is missing," commented one veteran observer, who has seen Louis in several of his workouts. "The Joe who trained for recent, Primo Carnera and Max Baer," continued this observer, "was one of the greatest fighters I have ever looked at. He had everything. The average heavyweight needs several years to properly develop. But Louis was a phenomenon.

He was a great fighter almost from the start. Joe may have been a throwback to the jungle, but whatever he was, he was instinctive in his fighting. He did everything right. The Joe Louis of 1935 I would have picked to whip any heavyweight the ring ever had known. "But he certainly not the fighter today that he was then.

Success may have come to him too quickly, too easily. Soft living may have taken its toll. I don't know. But I do know there isn't the old savage relentlessness about the present Louis that was so predominant in the amazing youngster who, almost overnight, skyrocketed from obscurity to the top of the fistic heights. "Two years ago Louis showed no mercy to his sparmates.

He punished them cruelly. now he merely goes through tune motions as though they represented nothing more or less than very boring afternoon's labors. If of his hired hands happens to nail Joe with a punch, all he does is pause for a moment, blink his eyes, then calmly resume where he had been so rudely interrupted. "The world's heavyweight championship may be the highest stake that could be offered a fighter. But it apparently doesn't mean anything to Louis.

From what I have been able to observe, this bout with Braddock represents just another fight to Joe." Fishing Very Simple, Just Use Scientific Research GLENNS FERRY, IDAHO, June hobby of "Doc" Houston E. Snyder is "piscatorial Fishing to him isn't luck; its science. When the physician sets out on fishing expedition he packs along a queer little kit filled with spools of silk thread and pretty feathers from the back of ducks, peaco*cks andadmittedly--the neighbor's chickens. He knows the psychology of fish, MO. VALLEY TENNIS STARS TO COMPETE El Dorado, Ark.

Is Host to Annual Meet with 13 States Entered EL DORADO, June (P)-Net stars from, the South Midwest began gathering, here today for the Missouri tennis association's 35th annual championships. Approximately 100 players from 11 states are expected to be on hand for the first round of singles play Monday morning. States expected to be represented in the meet are Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee. LEAVENWORTH RIDERS WIN CHICAGO MEDALS CHICAGO June riders won events today in charter jubilee horse show here, which will close they tomorrow. Capt.

Peter C. Haynes III of the 10th cavalry team, Fort Leavenworth, won the daily touch and out event on Noria, with Capt. Tod Comfort, a teammate, second on Sampson. Nike, of the Fort Leavenworth horse show team won the individual military jumping event. HURLS, NO HIT GAME TEXAS LEAGUE Oklahoma City Beaumont 7.

Fort Worth Houston 9. Tulsa San Antonio 2. Dallas Galveston 0. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION New Orleans Birmingham 10. PALESTINE, June This Manuel Perez, lanky Palestine the right-hander, put on spectacles.

the E. a first pitched time a in no-hit his life game. tonight, and struck Alli- out 14 in defeating: Kilgore 5-0. to Atlanta Chattanooga 4. Only games scheduled.

Baugh Will Pass Up Pros, He Claims FORTH WORTH, June (AP)- a with Sam Baugh this Leo conference, (Dutch) Meyer, head football coach of Texas Christian university, announced his former star quarterback had assured him he would join the Frogs' coaching staff next fall. Baugh signed as freshman coach several months ago. Recently he signed a tentative contract to play with the Washington Redskins, a pro eleven. STUDYING TEACH AN- OLD TRICKS, ONE BUSINESS SERVICE Painting, Decorating 26 Lost and Found 10 -In the rest room on the second floor of The George Innes Co. store, a gold ring with green stone.

Reward for its return to The George Innes Co. Call for Lou Brown, main floor. STRAYED OR STOLEN -May 19, large female Scotch Collier spayed, brown, white; white stripe up nose; nose half white, half brown. Decayed spot on large front tooth. Reward for same or information.

Phone 5-2883. opals, other band ring. Gift from dead mother. Liberal reward. Call 3-1832.

BUSINESS SERVICE Business Services Offered 18 LAWN MOWERS- -And Fairway mowers. Factory ground. Call for and deliver. SMITH, 802 N. Market.

2-6674. YARD GRADING- Grass planting; any kind of yard work, weed scything--mowing. Satisfactory work. Morning or evening. 3-8638.

SAND HAULING-75c yard. Basem*nt ging. Hauling of all kinds. Lumber. Kindling for sale.

3-4592. Mowers sharpened, repaired. New. used for sale. Free delivery 233 Wichita N.

Bicycle Market Key Shop 2-6515 BLACK DIRT- And fertilizer for lawns and gardens. Fill dirt. hauling, gravel for drives. GEO. CASTER, 3-3906.

BERMUDA PLANTINGS- roots are green and fresh. No dry ones used. Black 'dirt and fertilizer. Let's talk it over. Post Office lawn builders.

Charles Lay. 5-1467. ODD JOBS -Service, colored, house cleaning. window, paint and wallpaper cleaning, lawn service, trash hauling. 5-1329.

BAsem*nT AND YARD. CLEANED- -Trasn hauling, carpentering. No job too small. T. H.

Davis, 1915 Palisade. 2-7814. WATERPROOFING -Dampproofing, Caulking, Repairs, Residential Roofs. Built-up Roofs, Bonded Roofs. Terms.

Free Estimates. Triangle Roofing 113 Sycamore. Phone 4-0237. Tibbits Coeller. AUDD LANDSCAPE SERVICE--Tree and hedge pruning, trees removed.

Special price on Bermuda Lawns. Lawn Service. 3-7913. SYSTEM-2-8126 NU-WA DISPOSAL Ask about fireproof containers IDEAL PUMP LAURA A-1 water well drilling, good prices on pumps, mills and supplies 3-0824. Lawnmowers sharpened.

overhauled $1. Guaranteed. Called for and delivered. Hamilton Bicycle 923 E. Douglas.

3-8423. ED WEST LAWN SERVICE- Bermuda lawns that grow, buffalo sod. care of lawns. mowing, dirt. fertilizer.

References 3-0939 Lawnmowers Sharpened, repaired New, used mowers, garden tools. I. LeCocq, 2301 E. Central. 4-7225.

LAWN WORKBasem*nt digging and Bermuda setting. 92F14. DUMP TRUCKS We haul dirt, rock and sand. Fix driveways. Basem*nt excavation.

Miller. 3-1044. 10th and Cleveland. Paul J. Ballard LANDSCAPE YOUR HOME ON OUR BUDGET PLAN.

Phone 2-2776 sharpen lawn mowers, every size. Call for and deliver free. New and used nowers. ASH CYCLE CO. 1121 E.

Douglas. 3-7536. BERMUDA LAWNS -Planted, made pretty. Rich fertilizer. Rich soil will make grow.

2-4695. LA LAWNMOWERS ERE CENTRAL GROUND KEY SHOP FACTORY WAY 130 E. Second St. 2-6144 UNITED HOUSE AND Window Cleaning Floor Waxing, Paint Washing, Wall Paper Cleaning. 2-0995.

BLACK DIRT Fertilizer, grass roots, sand hauling, foundations painted and disinfected; yard work: basem*nts contracted. Jack Neal. 4-0290. Building and Contracting 19 LOST- Two rings, one set with ruby and CARPENTERING--Building, general repairstone. Patch plastering.

Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Get my prices first. 3-0070. GENERAL CONTRACTOR- Stone, concrete, carpentering, painting and paperhanging.

All work guaranteed. 213 Morris. C. D. Ioerger.

2-0795: FOUNDATION REPAIRING Patch plastering. Brick. Cement Work. Free estimates. A E.

Arnett. 1607 Santa 2-4609 CARPENTERING- -General Repairing and Cabinet work. Screen repairing. Prices reasonable, by hour or contract. 3-4342.

BUILDING- Carpenter house remodeling, cabinet work, brick, stone, cement work, patch plastering, foundation repairing, work guaranteed. 5-0550. FOUNDATION REPAIRING Patch plastering, basem*nt work, brick, stucco, cement work, cistern repairing Estimates free. Arnett. 2-7323.

CEMENT WORK Driveways, sidewalks, foundations. concrete work. brick, stone, plastering, stucco. Work guaranteed. Ralph Hershberger.

4-3995. DRIVEWAYS -Sidewalks, cement steps and fioors. Concrete poured. General repairing. Licensed man.

Free estimates. S. R. HERSHBERGER. 2-0919 ROOF And foundation repairing, cement work and painting, dirt work.

basem*nts cleaned and repaired. Phone 2-1790. INSIDE Painting anid floor refinishing. Carpentering, general repair. Free estimates.

Rural 88F5. D. M. Good. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING- General repairing and cabinet work.

Quick service, reasonable prices. Work guaran-2-2251 teed. Phone 3-7498: PATCH PLASTERINGBrick, stone and cement work. Foundstion work. 2-8524.

GENERAL BUILDING -Repairs, carpenter and cement work; plastering, skilled mechanics. Service Construction Co. 129 N. Waco Phone 2-7407. BEAUTIFUL WALKS- FOR BETTER HOMES.

FLAGSTONE. PHONE 4-3995. CARPENTERING Painting, general repairing, concrete steps and walks. By hour or contract. Free estimate.

Work guaranteed. Phone 3-3566. Beauty Shops 19A EMMA ELLIOTT-Duart Permanents $2, $2.50 and $3. Machineless permanents $5. Guaranteed self setting.

501 S. Main, 3-8968. PERMANENT- Waves $1.50 up. shampoo and finger wave 25c and 35c. Lash and brow dye 50c.

Shorty's Barber and Beauty Shop. 809 E. Harry. 2-9141. OIL PERMANENTS $1 Fry Machineless, Beauty Shop, $3.50, 111 E.

Soft 1st, 4-6533 $1 FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY-Guaranteed $2 permanents others up to $5. Iva's Beauty Shop, 239 NI Market, 2-9835. $1 SPECIAL DELLA WILLIAMS PERMANENTS $1 204 S. Topeka 2-9202 $1 Manhattan OIL Beauty PERMANENTS $1 Shop. N.

Minor 114 N. Topeka 2-9276. Vacation Special Soft PERMANENTS Water $1 $2 $3 Shampoo and Finger Wave, 35c 233 S. Market Phone 2-9026 PERMANENTS We guarantee them. Shampoo and wave 25c.

Mitchell Barber Beauty Shop, 125 S. Main. 2-9583. SPECIAL Permanents, $2, $3. and $7.

Ideal Beauty Shop, Room 5. Palace Theater Bldg, 2-3037. HARMONY SPECIAL PERMANENTS $1 UP 401 S. Main Marie Ruth 3-1758 SPECIAL -This ad worth 50 cents on any permanent, $1.50 up. GETTER, 309 East Lewis.

Ph. 2-9337. Four. blocks south of Douglas, block east of Broadway. AHA- A HOLE IN THE FLOOR AND NO TOP IN THE HAT J.

T. BIVINS Experienced decorator, Painting, paperhanging and patch plastering. First-class work. Free estimates, Samples shown. 3-8383.

PAPERHANGING Plastering, painting. Workmanship paramount; service sudden. Samples shown. W. F.

Davison. 4-3774. FLOOR SANDING AND FINISHING Cleaning Waxing C. E. WARNER-3-9936 Latest dauality paints.

CENTRAL WALLPAPER. PAINT CO. Skilled painters and paperhangers Wallpaper removed by steam Floor sanding refinishing. 4-1248. PAPER roofing, PAPERHANGING-Painting.

plastering, gene repairs. Paper samples shown. Estimates free. Reasonable. Kipers.

3-1250 PAPERHANGING-Painting, patch plastering, paper removed by steam First. class work. Samples shown. Rby Miller. 4-5591-5-0823.

Painting--Paperhanging Also spray painting. Ralph Brasted. Phone 5-2641, after 6 p. 3-3723. Professional Services 28 An 18-word ad in this classification.

for three days for 7 days fori 30 days $7.20. Call 2-4431 for an ad taker. CHIROPRACTIC specialty. ADJUSTING Pauline Thorough McHale. Chiropractor, Penn Hotel.

2-9529. SWEDISH MASSAGE -Is the recognized way to regain your health, the results are amazing. 5-2131--1507 N. Ash. Baths Massage 28A Exp.

Nurse, MISS WANONA. 230 N. Estelle. Repairing, Upholstering, Refinishing 29 MASSAGE PARLOR-Katherine Hamilton, Crescent Apartments. No.

201. -Hours 9 to 6. See new and former clients. ORIENTAL BATH PARLOR-Alcohol and oil massages. 1821 N.

Broadway, S. duplex. Hours 9 to 9. Experienced operators. JENNIE BYERS Specializing in body building, massages, tiredness and colds.

Sweat Swedish magnetic massage. 253 North Market. 2-6364. BATH AND MASSAGE Reclining steam baths, well equipped. Courteous -operators.

Day and evening. Telephone 3-9763. 2371 W. Douglas. CALL 4-0256 For electric sweats, Swedish Massage, GOOD WORK POPULAR 'PRICES UPHOLSTERING AND REBUILDING INGRAM.

2108 E. Central. 3-1093 Estimates free EDUCATIONAL Schools Colleges 31 An 18-word ad in this classification for three days for 7 days for $2.94. Call 2-4431 for an ad taker. ACADEMY OF BEAUTY CULTURE "'VENUS" 3rd Floor First Nat'l.

Bank KANSAS SCHOOL OF COSMETOLOGY EXPERT BEAUTICIANS TRAINED 302 York Rite 3-3116 Summer School Opens June 14th Shorthand Made Easy FRANKLIN PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL THE ONLY BEAUTY COLLEGE With HONOR EMBLEM rating 10 the state, noted for its output of skilled beauticians. CENTRAL BEAUTY FALTURE COLLEGE. Butts First Broadway. GET 'UNCLE SAM" JOBS--Men- men. first sear.

Yearly raise. Dependable. Try next Wichita examinations. Influence unnecessary. Sample coaching--full particulars--list Apply today Eagle Box 598-F.

A TRADE THAT PAYS Learn in 12 weeks. earn tuition before leaving school. Guaranteed employment. Wichita Body Fender School. North Emporia.

(Completely re-build wrecks.) LEARN AUTOMOTIVE: -Electricity, carbureters, and motor tune-up. Modern equipment used. -Motor Tune Up School. Phone 3-8157. Box 93 J.

Eagle. C. L. BRAZIL Upholstering Latest Materials Work Guaranteed. 4-6615.

2210 E. Douglas It's time. housecleaningE. B. McCullough to call 2-5286.

323 N. Market. Upholsterers. H. B.

MCKEAN UPHOLSTERING Furniture Cleaning Free estimates. 2-9582-940 S. SENECA. ROBT. BURNS ESTIMATES 4-7228 Central because he's studied them for a quarter of a century.

Long ago he learned that each stream is different; that the natural fish food is peculiar in texture and color to that locality. "I got idea through observation that fish were not striking the flies I bought from stores and offered them--as many as 20 patterns in an' afternoon--in streams in which I could see them clearly," he explained. "So I set out to tie reproductions of the bugs and flies on each stream I fished. "A few basic lessons on hackles and the le rest was patience and perseverance. "Incidentally, I keeps my fingers limber, but one of the greatest benefits I derive from this hobby is increased sensativeness on my finger tips in palpative diagnosis.

ANNOUNCE AAU SWIM RECORDS FOR SEASON Wyandotte. HELEN SETS NEW MARK BALDWIN, June -Emil S. Liston, chairman of the Missouri Valley A. A. U.

records' committee, has announced the approval of new short course swimming records established during the season just closed, The new marks: Men's Events, 50-yard free Don Rogivue, Doutt-Center. 100-yard free Charles Strotz, Doutt-Center. 500-yard free Al Armbruster, unattached. 150-yard Al, Armbruster, unattached. 300-yard medley Kansas.

City Athletic club (Peterson, Brandkamp, Miller). 400-yard Kansas City Athletic club (Brandkamp, Curry, Miller). Women's Events 50-yard free Ellen Gale Hopkins, Springfield. 100-yard free Maxine Johnson. Kansas City A.

C. 100-yard Maxine Johnson, Kansas City A. C. 200-yard Springfield Teachers (Anna Lou Hopkins, Faustina Wood, Betty Jane Hopkins, Ellen Gale Hopkins). 50-yard Willard Garvey, unBoy's 1.

Novice attached. 100-yard Willard Garvey, unattached. 50-yard Eddie Mahoney, ST. LOUIS, June Stephens, famous woman sprint star of Fulton, bettered the world record for the 220-yard dash here today, with a time of 25 seconds, and also bettered the American mark for the 100-yard dash. Her time for the century was 11 seconds flat.

Western Association HUTCHINSON, June Shortstop Vaughn hit a home run and three singles and drove in six runs tonight to lead the Hutchinson Larks to a 10 to 5 win over Muskogee and a sweep of the three game series. Stein, Hutchthson hurler, did not allow the Reds an earned run until the ninth when Clements homered with Jorgensen on base. Score re by innings: Muskogee .000 201 002- 5 Hutchinson .203 000 23x-10 13 Van Slate and Rogers, Summers; Stein and McGinnis. PONCA CITY, June Cardinals staged a three-hit, three-run batting spree off Paul Erickson in the ninth inning here tonight and walked away with the game, 8 to 7. Score by innings: Springfield 203 000 003- 8 13 Ponca City .100 003.

210 11 Kamp and Custick; Hargrave, Erickson (lost) Kittle and Hodgson. JOPLIN, June throttled Bartlesville with four hits here tonight as Joplin took the Series windup, 6 to 1, with 8 10-hit attack off Lefty Reich. Score by innings: Bartlesville .000 100 000- Joplin .104 010 00x- 6 10 Batteries: Reich and Neimiller; Clark and Osterfelt. NATIONAL LEAGUE St. Louis Boston 1.

Pittsburgh Brooklyn 3. Cincinnati 3: New York 4. Chicago 10: Philadelphia 5. three days for 7 days for $2.94. Call 2-4431 for an ad taker.

Help Wanted, Female 33 APARTMENT--In exchange for care of small hotel. Part time employed couple preferred. Call N. Main. FOUR SALESLADIES For Wichita territory.

Experience unnecessary. Positionpays well. Call Room 512 Eaton Hotel for appointment. LADY With late model car to, drive in Wichita. Good proposition.

See Mary E. Burke, 307 S. Main. COOK--And efficient housekeeper. Small family.

No Good wages. References required. Must be first class. Address Eagle Box 29-T. ATTRACTIVE GIRL- With outstanding personality for photo studio and office work.

Small salary to start. Inexpensive small photo must accompany application. Eagle. Box 94-J. WAITRESS For highway cafe, experienced.

over 21. Board, room and wages. Osage Cabins, 3358 S. Broadway. WANT Experienced beauty operator and manicurist.

Call Sunday. 3-6219. COLORED Or white woman for cooking and and general housework, $3 week, board, room or go home nights. 4-8966. WHITE GIRL Between 25 to 40 for general housework and cooking.

Reference. 4-6181. 1715 Park Place. CAPABLE Refined woman for high class work. In Wichita and El Dorado.

Eagle Box 30-T. WANT--A good silk spotter and finisher. Steady employment. Good weekly salary for one that can qualify. State experience and reference in reply.

OUR EMPLOYES KNOW THIS AD. Address Eagle Box 28-T. WANT WHITE GIRL TO help with genera housework. Room and -board, $3 week. 4-3756.

WHITE GIRL--For general housework, 3 children in family. Room, 'board, $4 week. 5-0275; 552 S. Hillside. WANTED- silk spotter.

Must be experienced. Apply 707 Cleveland. Orpheum Cleaners. first E. 1st dia- vs.

two close the At M. Pl. E. m. In Pet.

.405 .388 .382 .380 .376 .370 BEEN -I'LL SOME Help Wanted Male 34 BARBER WANTEDSteady job. Roy Martin, Anthony, Kan. Salary and Commission 4 men to service Retail Merchants. Must have car. 628 N.

Main. 9 a. m. to 1 p. WANT--First class barber.

1708 E. Douglas. Phone 3-9438. MAN WITH CAR--For special sales work, this and adjacent counties. Starting guarantee $4.00 per Liberal commission and expense allowance.

For personal interview write Salesmanager, Room 215-3519 Troost, Kansas City, Mo. NATIONAL--Credit adjustment firm estab. 1908 needs 2 men with cars free to travel this territory. $75 weekly salary bonus to men qualifying. Address Box 332.

National Painesville, Ohio. WANTEDAn experienced Blacksmith. H. N. Miller, Crystal Springs, Kansas.

3 to 60 years of age for work calling for experience in dealing with public. Apply 203 Kaufman Monday. FREEZE. MASTER The new one-gallon frozen malt ice cream and sherbets: Liberal commission. You furnish car and deposit to cover demonstrator.

Territory allosment in Kansas and Oklahoma. W. A. Weigand, .158 N. Emporia.

Phone 5-1234. TEACH YOU SOME (TRICKS AND F. Trade Mark Reg. 7. 8.

Pat. office.

The Wichita Eagle from Wichita, Kansas (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.