The Millennium Wolves Series (Books 1-8) (2024)

Sapir A. Englard


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Follow Sienna as a nineteen year-old werewolf with a secret: she’s the only virgin in the pack. She’s dead set on making it through this year’s Haze without giving into her primal urges—but when she meets Aiden, the alpha, she forgets all about her self-control. She won’t give in without a fight – even if her body is begging her to.

    GenresWolvesRomanceFantasyWerewolvesLoveParanormal RomanceErotica


About the author

Sapir A. Englard


Sapir A. Englard is the author of The Millennium Wolves, an erotic werewolf fantasy series which has been read over 125 million times on Galatea’s mobile app. A graduate of Berklee College of Music, Sapir is a full-time writer, public speaker, and music producer. Born and raised in Israel, Sapir enjoys traveling, chatting with readers, and creating new stories. Visit to learn more and read excerpts from The Millennium Wolves and other books by Sapir Englard.

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353 reviews25 followers

July 18, 2022

1 star

DNF! Stopped @ book 3

The Millennium Wolves Series (Books 1-8) (4)

I seriously don’t know what the hype is all about with these books?
The story was tedious and uninteresting nor was the sex scene no where near is good as people went on about.

I was hoping that the storyline would get better if I kept reading/listening, but It NEVER did. What a waste of time and money.

How this series is getting compared with being better then 50 shades is beyond me….Its laughable…Just sayin….

The Millennium Wolves Series (Books 1-8) (5)

This doesn’t even come close to being as good as 50 shades nor did the sex between Aiden and Sienna come close to being as hot as Christian and Anastasia!

Sienna was so damn immature and annoying I just wanted to throat punch her..

The Millennium Wolves Series (Books 1-8) (6)

Aiden wasn’t any better! Overall these books are horrible……


Now I can only pray I get my refund back from Galatea

Audiobook review: I don’t know who the narrators were, and I never thought I would say this, but I can officially say I have now listened to two of the most worst narrators in my life! They were both cringe worthy… more so the person that was narrating Aiden.. 🤢

    audiobook dnf-books heroine-has-a-backbone

Liz Lyles

325 reviews3 followers

February 12, 2022

More a 2 and a half. The main character is childish. It is difficult to relate to her. And the streaming app to read the book... meh. Not worth the 6 hour wait between chapters

Caitlin McCann

13 reviews1 follower

May 10, 2022

Do not download the app and don’t pay for anything!! The first chapters pull you in, but it just turns out to be a terrible book. Not worth it.


22 reviews3 followers

May 1, 2022

So bad! I REALLY wanted to like this series.

The main character is juvenile and her inconsistent decision making is incredibly frustrating. She says she wants something or does something for one reason then has an inner monologue that reads like a middle schooler before impulsively ditching everything and doing whatever for an opposite reason. I'd be persuadable if it was about personal growth, but there was very little of that. Petulant, bratty, egocentric, and chronically runs away at the worst moment making the hero ditch his responsibilities and chase her because of a tantrum so he can save her from nothing but this moments emotions. Then she seems to care little, if at all, about ther more realistic consequences of her behavior and the result of the hero walking away. I can't even call her an antihero. She's just terrible.

I got through book one thinking it could be redeemed, but by halfway through book 5 I was pulling my hair out in agitation and forcing myself through every chapter. This is one of the only series I've ever given up on. I have no regrets. It was not worth any of it. Don't bother.



327 reviews

January 15, 2022

Hmmm i want to give this a 3.75…… where do I start. First off, it is a pain that you can only read this on Galatea, but its a book ‘streaming’ site right? It’s not that great and apparently its been around for awhile. The app itself isnt very user friendly and It doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of technical support to make it better.

I believe the author is Saphir for books 1-5, but then when book 6 starts the beginning of the ‘page’ shows that its a screen play/script and says a whole bunch of weird stuff…. And honestly the writing is a bit off. And if this book has been around for a bit I’m shocked that someone else hasn’t added this book onto Goodreads yet! Or maybe I wasnt searching properly, or maybe it’s true that the later books aren’t written by Saphir and thats why it didn’t show up on her author list???? But not really knowing the titles of the bother books in the series it was hard for me to separate all of them.

About the story itself, books 1-5 were great! The werewolf love story about Sienna and Aiden was suspenseful and kept me going for 2 days! It even made me subscribe a year so I can get more of these types of books/stories!

However, now reflecting back, Sienna turned into a whiny annoying B* and I sort of understand why Michelle, Si’s best friend, is always sort of pissed at her. Although Michelle also did a lot of other annoying things and she was also a bit of a B* too!

Now that I think more about it, the writing wasnt amazing, but the author told a good story in the end and I was entertained. Not sure if i’ll renew my subscription for next year on Galatea though. Oh and the reason I subscribed i stead of buying regular points? Was because the point system to read books was way more expensive! So…. Do what you need to do.



1 review1 follower

Currently reading

August 8, 2022

Very annoyed at the author. Firstly there are dozens of names for a vagin* and all the author can come up with is “my sex”.. are you for real?! As others have said the sex scenes aren’t that great and they’re rather excessive. It’s like watching a p*rno, too much sex and not enough story substance. I’m also incredibly irked at the attempts to have Canadian characters in the story when the author has clearly done absolutely NO research on Canada whatsoever! Firstly we’d have more than 1 pack, we aren’t such a small country that 1 pack would do. Not to mention we are fiercely proud amongst our communities and would have an east coast, west coast, northern, and French pack at the very least if it were to be realistic. In real life each province is fiercely proud and very much independent in identity from one another. It disgusts me that the alpha for all of Canada is quite clearly supposed to be French with a name I’ve never even heard of, Etienne, I couldn’t even tell you if that’s male or female. The stereotype is insulting and infuriating. The nonsense about the weather, do your damn homework! In Southern Ontario (where Ottawa is) our weather is very similar to that of all the northern states. It’s really not any colder here than it is in say, Montana. Next time the author decides to write a story that involves other countries they should do their homework and research before writing.

Emily Philbin

358 reviews10 followers


June 20, 2022

What in the actual hell is this? No stars, negative stars. A friend I’ll no longer take book recs from claimed it was “twilight for adults but sooooo good” and I stupidly gave it a go. Did not finish, weird werewolf wanna be p*rn. Wasted time.


4 reviews

June 25, 2022

At its best, it is nothing more than formulastic wolf-mance where others have done better. At its worst, it is a guidebook for impressionable young women to be stupid AF and enable their own delusions and excuse their own weaknesses and ignorances. There is constant self-victimization because of the MC’s own decisions at the detriment and harm to other characters

The author is constantly asserting characteristics for the MC that she simply does not have. Actions speak louder than words and everything the MC does goes against what the author asserts for the character. It is beyond annoying. I am typically the type of person that has to finish a series or book until the end. There have only been a handful of books that were simply so bad or annoying that I just would not finish reading. I’m halfway through book 3 and I’m not sure I can continue with this dribble. I had hoped for some MC redemption but after almost 3 books, there has been very little growth or self-actualization. If anything she just gets worse. I don’t understand how this can be so “popular”.

The sexual content, if you can even call it that, was so cold and senseless that I found myself turned off and actually hoping it would end sooner. I found myself rolling my eyes at the authors’s writing, the characters’ dialogue and actions. That annoyance was a constant throughout the entire 3-ish books that I’ve been able to endure. I do not understand how others find this immature BS palatable to even make a movie. I guess Hollywood doesn’t care as long as it’s got some following and marketability which some fool has deemed “better than 50 shades”. I never read 50 shades but it must have been horrible.

Sireli R.

193 reviews6 followers

April 22, 2022 this point I have read almost 7/8 books. Thats as far as internet goes. I almost dnf them like 5 times and skiped like 50+% of all of them. But for some reason I still want to know how this ends. Even though its 99% one big WTF???????????????? This story has 0 logic or point or even same story line.

The first half of book 1 is 50 shades of virgin, then 0,5- book 4 or so its sexy Twilight and the Kardashians tv show , then it goes to some odd mix of vampire diaries + X-men and book 7 and I think book 8 will be too all that previous + Hunger Games with 99% of people being just sh*tty .

This story has so many things that will never happen in real life (not included supernatural things). Like ok I understand that prison camps, sexist/racist things and power game has some kind of historical inspiration but there are things that in simple real life would never play out like this.

How is something like this even published? And all 8 books like this??????????
Like I said, skiped 50+% and near dnf. At this point I just want to know how more sh*tty something published can get.

Adri Dee

15 reviews

March 24, 2024

Needs heavy editing. Dialogue is very stereotypical teenager. Pacing is slow but then at times things happen too fast with wonky transition. Characters are 2-dimensional. The age gap is also cringe. In my mind, I age down the male lead since he already behaves like a frat boy. He’s supposed to be 29 and she’s supposed to be 19; however both behave like 17-yr-olds.
If you’re into a light read and just in the mood to read something not too complex, this is a good pick. Sometimes you get into the mood of reading something very fluffy the requires no depth.
Biggest complaint is the fact that this is on Galatea. Waiting is a pain. I’ll be honest; I pirated it so I could finish it. I have Unlimited Kindle and I would have totally read this book had it been offered on KU. Heck, it if was offered for $.99 or even $1.99, I would have paid for it. It’s not worth signing up to Galatea. I’ve read so many complaints about the app once you go Unlimited.
I would recommend not paying for it on Galatea—it’s not worth. Just Google the story and read the pirate version.
Author would benefit in getting the entire stories up on KU.

Adrianna Wilson

1 review

March 31, 2022

Sienna is as everyone says and I’m afraid you never quite get to the point where you like her completely but by book 7 you’ve gone on that much of a journey with her that she becomes tolerable and believe me, other characters become much more irritating. Sienna and Adiens love story was captivating even though I often felt pity for Adien as his mate was for the most part all over the place. I enjoyed the storyline, to me it was thrilling with plenty of wtf moments. Overall I was entertained. I would have scored higher if it weren’t for the painful app this series is streamed on and… book 8! I’m not sure how the author went so left field on that ending but shesh, I was left thinking “Wait, really? That’s weird”.


26 reviews


June 11, 2024

Ugh reading through Galatea is excruciating! Waiting 6 hrs between chapters dumb but I was not paying and then it reset on me twice so I went in search to find elsewhere which I did until almost the end of book 6. Had to go in a deep search finished book 6 and almost 7. It’s an ok read but I hate to dnf with all the time invested but I can’t find the few tensing chapters of 7 nor book 8.
Good luck to whomever tackles this endeavor.

Pius Collins

2 reviews

April 13, 2024

Amazing book

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    mine okay

Hilary Wells

40 reviews1 follower

January 27, 2024


Tierra Walker

259 reviews1 follower


August 7, 2023

Could have ended at 5 books. The series started off with a strong YA vibe and progressed into more of a NA genre. It would have been nice if the characters had progressed and grown with the series, but as much as I wanted to connect with the characters I began to like them all less as the series went on. Also after a while the "haze" ended up becoming more of a distraction from the plotline rather than adding to it. 'Oh we have something terribly urgent going on, but now we must constantly take a break from it all because the haze has taken over - because although there originally were supposed to be haze seasons now they happen at random every other chapter'.

Aiden showed himself to be a weak alpha - getting caught up in such minor and trivial details that he would frequently get distracted from the important issues for his pack. During dangerous times very dismissive when it receiving any clues that could help solve anything. His word meant absolutely nothing and no one including me took his seriously after a while. Didn't he literally send his parents away multiple times to not come back again and yet they still came and went as they pleased.

Josh is a conniving snake - from lying, undermining, to outright betrayal he has done nothing but gone behind his alpha's back from book 1. Any decent alpha would have gotten rid of him no matter whatever kind of friendship they shared.

Michelle was just as bad as the beta. Her and Josh definitely are meant to be because the jealousy and resentment are real with those two. She is the self-centered friend that loves everything to be all about them & is happy when no one is doing better than them. She has gone out of her way to hurt Sienna several times and yet she stays in the storyline for drama effect. I found myself literally skipping all her parts after a while.

I would have liked to see more POV from some of her other friends like Erica.

Sienna was young when the story started so I could understand her immaturity, but everyone was right. She never grew enough to become Luna material & was always so focused on her own dramas to the point that it did become selfish in her own way. The pack never became a priority for her and only once in the first 5 books did she take the initiative to do anything for people in the pack without prompting (painting for the pregnant women). I understand he standing up against degrading traditions, but I would have liked to see her get more involved do more to actually connect with the people in the pack.


About to dnf on book 6 because now Sienna has decided that her sister needs to be in the alpha plot and is ready to fight everyone on it because she wants her close. Is that what her parents (the main people who would visit her because they were the main ones spending time with her while Sienna was doing her own thing) would want - I doubt it. Is that what her sister would want - probably not. She would want to be near her family and with her mate. The one everyone forgot about.

Lauren Petrullo

140 reviews16 followers

February 25, 2024

Honestly, it’s 3.5 in total.

Probably partly because it’s 8 books counting as one and messing up my good reads book goal ahahah.

It was repetitive and lacked character development. But a light and easy read that makes sense to have available on a book app vs printed.

I’d never consumed books outside of my library or bookstore. I’ve only read a few webtoons (because they were Kdramas that were pacing one episode at a time and I needed to know the ending ahahah), so this was a fun experience.

I read these instead of watching Netflix. And obviously it was 4 stars cause I read 8 books. But, I e read better and I’ve definitely wasted time on worse.

I wonder if this ever gets published will it get different editing?


2 reviews

February 26, 2023

DNF @ Book 3 (Galatea)
Don't use Galatea. Ever.

I've never been so inclined to actually leave a review as much as this series. Maybe because I paid an obscene amount for it.

- Character development is horribly poor.
- Marketed as "Hot and Steamy". It's lacking a lot to be classed that IMO. It's warm and moist at best.
- Chapters get less immersive as you get further into books.
- The dialogue has to be the worst. Too stacked.

The first book was enough to be 3 star at best. Wasn't bad but I wouldn't recommend, unless it was a free download. Maybe not even then.

Felt like ideas were thrown around before actually thinking it through. Most of the writing was telling the story with little descriptions, completely took me out of the emotions I would get in any other good fictional piece.

Don't do it. It's cringe and poorly written. There's better to choose from on Kindle/Prime reading.


1 review

July 19, 2022

I really liked the books at first. Even paid the 60 bucks on Galatea to be able to read them (regretfully). By the time I got to the 4th book I realized there are some serious errors in the series plots. The timeline doesn’t add up and the author changes how events happened in each book. It’s just really frustrating. I really wanted to enjoy the entire series, but it seems to be getting worse and worse the more I read.

Kimberly Gordon-Bercich

1,787 reviews3 followers

April 4, 2022

XXX!!! Adult content, reader discretion advised. Ten yr age gap between Sienna and Aiden. Rape and suicidal triggers are frequent in this series. The death at the end that leaves Aiden in a drift is tear worthy. The kids story is also intense and deals with LBGTQ issues.


1 review

June 24, 2022

I need book .... I've been reading so much that I must do I get book 8?

Sarah Jewett

116 reviews2 followers

August 9, 2022

Reminiscent of reading twilight. Very cheesy, teenesk novel. The main character came across childish.

Readable for a chuckle but not enough to buy chapters off Galatea.

morgan portee 💓

39 reviews41 followers

September 21, 2023

i was sucked into this book by instagram and made it to just about book 3 before i decided i could no longer tolerate this BS and decided to DNF after paying for a galatea subscription to read it!

i was sooooo annoyed with the FMC and should have read the reviews before continuing to read. the first few chapters really do get you hooked and make you think you have a good supernatural romance on your hands, but after a while it just becomes down right annoying.

the FMC is 19 i get it…. but she ages through the books but never seems to grow up or have any sense of responsibility or take accountability for her actions! at every turn she makes rash decisions WITHOUT consulting her partner and then when he retaliates (AS HE SHOULD) in anger at her for degrading him and disrespecting him PUBLICLY WHEN HE’S AN ALPHA, she throws a temper tantrum about her being a dominant and not submitting to anyone… girl you shouldn’t have gotten a mate then and definitely not an Alpha of a pack because this LITTLE GIRL is not cut out to be anybody’s Luna.

she constantly put her maté’s authority on the line to be questioned by all of his pack and made decisions for the both of them and then forced him to deal with the consequences i HATED that… and what’s with this ‘haze’ bs? at first i thought ok it adds to the plot but then it just because a game between these two characters about who can give each other the worst blue balls before the other one breaks

it started to become annoying with the MC would literally forget about all his responsibilities as a leader because Sienna was throwing another fit about her identity crisis, or her being a dominant… she has zero redeemable traits.

she’s weak, naive, bratty, selfish… the list goes on and on and everyone just coddles her

the MC was so blinded by this girl that he was constantly being betrayed and back stabbed and caught off guard which could have been saved if he just payed attention, and put his foot down like a real Alpha.

in the end… Sienna cared about no one but herself not even her Mate or her family, making decisions for everyone based on what suited her best and then hated when people did the same thing to her because she messed up and now everyone is in hot water…

i will be cancelling my galatea sub and never reading from there ever again if their books are going to be like this.

don’t wasted your money…. if anything this series is a knock off twilight that misses the mark by a landslide!

the review says “hotter than 50 shades” HA! would take Anastasia’s no backbone annoying having self over the bratty weak wanna be dominant irresponsible Luna that is Sienna Norwood any day!

Tamara Alexander

131 reviews

April 6, 2024

I've given 4-stars for the story line, but the editing and writing mechanics deserved 2-stars in many spots.

Regarding the story, it was pretty good. I found myself falling in love with Sienne and Aiden. And OMG I hated Michelle and Josh from the start and for good reason, obvs. I don't want to give anything away, but just know she deserves all the hate!!! Build on it - embrace it early on!!!

When you get deeper into the books, bring tissue ... lots and LOTS of tissue. You. Will. Cry.

Englard did a good job depicting this epic love story, but I will say, and this takes a lot for me to admit to, but the constant hazing (sex) was just a bit over the top for me. Tell me the story and if the characters are sexually or sensually charged, then perfect, but don't just throw in sex scenes just to throw in sex scenes. They have to make sense - they have to fit within the context of the story. Several spots didn't fit ... AT ALL!!! I would ask for Englard to more fully develop the storyline over inserting sex scenes just for the hell of it. That said, I still loved the story and I'm starting Alpha of the Millennium today. Goddess help me~ apparently I love shifter romances ::smirk::

Miesha Timlin

17 reviews

February 21, 2024

I'm at about 1/4 of the way through book 3. It's TERRIBLE. The main character is so immature and selfish. I spent $10 initially and not a dime more. I wait the hours to skim through the tiny, terribly written chapters. How many times does a "dominate" need to tell themselves over and over again they're a dominate but exhibit NOT ONE dominate characteristic????? She puts everyone in danger, makes her mate look like an idiot that can't run a pack, while she's throwing tantrums then has the nerve to be upset when She's called on it. And then she constantly does the OPPOSITE of what someone in a relationship would do. Her best friend would have been a better Luna. I'm about to delete Galatea. Just terrible. This is right up there with An Ember in Ashes series by Sabaa Tahir. The absolute worst protagonist. Hooks you then lets you down.

Don't waste your time believing the hype.


57 reviews

March 31, 2024

DNF, this 19 yr old werewolf seemed like she was going to be level-headed and badass. Turns out she's just immature. I subscribed to Galatea, I think at Book 4... I was trying, but the more I read, the more ridiculous it became. I stopped at her refusing his life and her new one as an Alpha wife. About Book 41 of 244. Seemingly, with no reason. She resisted the traditions with no reason other than....she could. Not because she was too young, though she mated with the Alpha. I just got tired of her embarrassing him. He was a disappointment as well. I very rarely just cold turkey stopped. But I canceled Galatea because I'd subscribed before. In that case, the first book sucked me in the next book, which was horrible. This is too much money to be wasting. I won't fall for the banana in the tail pipe again. I don't want to even know what happens to them. That's how much I didn't like this book.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


36 reviews1 follower

May 6, 2024

God this is awful. Save yourself the trouble (and money) and avoid the app. This series is not worth it, no matter how many ads they throw your way.

It’s less believable than the worst soap opera and it has less plot than anything on AO3. No shade to soaps or AO3.

The spice is also terrible, despite some well placed ads highlighting what could be good quotes. If you’re reading the books, then you know that there is negative chemistry between all of the characters. The author can’t write chemistry, so they invented the “haze” to magically create attraction.

Everything about this is genuinely terrible.

On a positive note, it shows that anyone, yes anyone, can “publish” a book. Have you been dreaming about finally finishing that novel? Of course you have! If you’re a reader who went to the trouble - and I do mean trouble because tracking this series down on that obscure app and paying $$$ for it is a trip - then of course you also daydream about writing your own novels! Well, here is proof that there’s room at the table for everyone and that your novel can’t possibly be that bad!

Allison Ficker

15 reviews1 follower

March 2, 2023

I got sucked in by the Instagram ad for it. I also got tricked (maybe I'm just stupid) by the way Galetea bills and now I've paid for a whole year for this TRASH series. I read 2.25 of the books and couldn't continue.

The writing is terrible, they leave out huge chunks and also get things wrong. Ex: book 1 make a big deal of how FMC's eyes are blue, then in book 2 refer to them as a brilliant green, and a chapter later talk about her crystal blue eyes again.... Or in book 2 make a big deal without this huge plot point that NEVER HAPPENED on page.

Also, they have 19 year olds drinking constantly, like at restaurants. In America.... wtf. And the werewolves basically all start having sex at 15/16.... could we not age that up to be, gee idk, legal/appropriate??

LAZY writing trying so suck you in on the premise but it does NOT deliver. Don't waste your time.


Angela K

1 review

May 13, 2023

I hate the app this book is on. It's way over priced for the quality of reading if this is what is available to read on it. I'm also calling it just a book, because even though it says there are seven it really equates to only one with the tiny "chapters". The author losses their train of thought with the characters and contradicts themselves in the story I've noticed in just book "one". The plot is all over the place and really it could be less jumpy and have a way better story line. So in a sense this seemed like a summarized rough draft so to speak. I was interested based off a Facebook ad that equated it to Fifty Shades of Grey and it is far from that in so many aspects. This doesn't even remotely equate to that series or level of writing. I won't be purchasing or continuing to read after finishing the deemed "first" book.

L Baumgardner

3 reviews

April 12, 2023

I was excited at first... BUT OH WHAT A GIANT DISAPPOINTMENT!!! The MC is stupid, naiive, entitled, self centered, gullible, unconcerned, weak, and so many others. Completely un-relatable. And the desperate attempt to get this book to be relevant by try to bring a wolf version of "The Real Wives" was stupid and laughable. DID NOT WORK!! And it is sad and a shame because this book had good bones too bad the author did not develop it properly. I stopped reading after the 8th chapter on book 4 (that is after pausing for several days in different chapters throughout book 3) Should have quit while I was ahead. The male MC deserved SO MUCH BETTER!!

Displaying 1 - 30 of 110 reviews

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The Millennium Wolves Series (Books 1-8) (2024)
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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.