My Hero Acadmeia: Let there be Carnage (2024)

Chapter 18
Savage Alliance

Peering from the rooftop of a building, Venom watched as policemen rounded up some of the prisoners into the police cars. Venom’s toothful maw bearing his sharp teeth. Carnage had avoided Venom’s senses again, Izuku and Eddie were trying to come up with a plan to locate the deadly pair of Carnage and Kasady. Venom snarled in annoyance, he knew the rules that Eddie placed a while ago, but Venom was insistent with his own intentions.
“A jail break?” Venom said, “It’s more like an all you can eat buffet. Who’s going to care if we polish off a couple of these idiots?”
“Absolutely not!” Izuku said, rushing up by Venom’s side, “Completely out of the question.”
“He’s right.” Eddie said, walking up to the other side of Venom, “We can’t be sure who is not guilty, let alone kill anyway, buddy.” Eddie had to add that last bit at the end, knowing Izuku would not approve.
“Oh please.” Venom said, “They escaped from prison!” Venom whipped his head at Izuku then Eddie, knocking them back.
“Yes, but some people take false confessions.” Eddie said, “You know, they take pleas. We watched Making a Murder.”
“We are a predator Eddie” Venom said, “Tigers do not eat salad.”
“Yes, but you are not a tiger, are you?” Eddie said, “I see you more of a vexatious little pig-dog-house-bat thing.”
“You suck!” Venom said, whipping his head at Eddie’s.
“You suck!” Eddie said, pointing a finger at Venom’s head.
Eddie glanced at Midoriya who was glancing at the two of them bickering at each other with indignation. He knew of his past with Bakugo, but seeing Eddie and Venom but heads with each other he wasn’t privy to. Eddie sweatdrops nervously, dropping the argument with Venom and cleared his through.
“Normal business.” Eddie said, “So, Kasady give you anything that resembles any clues when you first met him?”
“No.” Izuku said, “Nothing to be of use. Other than that, just the ramblings of establishing chaos, and wanting Carnage.”
“Well, that’s the understatement.” Eddie said, “He didn’t leave anything to me of any hideouts.”
“Why not just follow the trail that he left behind?” Venom said, “He appeared in the direction up ahead, why not just chase it?”
“Because he would be long gone by then.” Eddie said, “We need an idea of where he would be hiding out from that position.”
“He could be anywhere at this point.” Izuku said, “He wouldn’t risk revealing himself until he implements his plan, whatever it is.”
“So, murder on a city scale, that’s not hard to guess.” Venom said.
“No, that’s not just it.” Izuku said, “He wanted to bring carnage, he would have a plan to wrought it.”
“There isn’t anyone who can help us?” Eddie said, “None of the hero society?”
“No, it would already be too late by then.” Izuku said, “And the police are too busy holding the riots. Detective Mulligan too.”
“Detective Mulligan?” Eddie said, “The local one?”
“Yes.” Izuku said, “You know him?”
“Detective Asswipe?” Eddie said, “You could say we met.”
“What happened, Eddie?” Izuku said, he had a suspicion that something bad happened that he himself didn’t know.
“Well, we didn’t meet on the best terms.” Eddie said, trying to explain it mildly.
“He stopped us from biting thet sh*thead’s head off.” Venom said, much to Eddie’s dismay.
“You what?!?” Izuku said, “Does he know about it?”
“No.” Eddie said, “I stopped Venom without Milligan even glancing.”
“What were you thinking?!” Izuu said, “You could’ve become Suncoast enemy no.2.”
“He’s an idiot, treated Eddie like crap.” Venom said, “That right belongs to us.”
“Oh, believe me, I’d love nothing more than to kick that jerk’s teeth so far down his throat, he’d be chewing his ass for pissing me off.” Eddie said, he looked at Izuku who wasn’t amused by that remark, “That being said, we have rules to follow, no matter how much we dislike it.”
“Responsibilities.” Venom said, “Responsibility is for the mediocre.”
“Can we get back to matters?” Eddie said, trying to get back to the more important matter, “As in finding our murderous pair before they render this city into a blood bath.”
“Well smartass, got any ideas?” Venom said.
Eddie looked back at the police relocating the prisoners back to Ryker’s Island, contemplating on the next move. Carnage and Kasady would elude the three of them wherever he goes, and more people would end up dead in the hunt. Even if Carnage would show himself again, it would not last. Carnage and Kasady were too smart to reveal themselves. There was only one recourse.
“I may have an idea.” Eddie said, he glanced at Izuku “But I have to ask you, do you trust me?”
“Of course I do.” Izuku said.
“Do you trust me?” Eddie said, pressing the question.
“Yes.” Izuku said, he looked at Eddie, seeing the look of reluctance, “What are up to?”
“I have an idea, but you’re not going to like it.” Eddie said, “Interrogation, through intimidation.” Eddie said a hand to Venom.
Venom snarled and his maw smirked a toothful grin, “Now you’re talking.” Venom said.
“No eating, no killing.” Eddie said, pointing a finger at Venom’s face. “My rules.” Venom scoffed in annoyance.
“What do you have in mind, Eddie?” Izuku said.
“It’s like a game of chess. The king is protected by the pawns, bishops and knights.” Eddie said, “We can’t get to Carnage and Kasady with them eluding us. So if we can’t get to them, then we’ll have to be one step ahead of them, and the only way to find clues is through them.”

Sneaking through an alleyway, Dan Backslide tries to avoid confrontation from the authorities. He had separated from the mobs to avoid risking his chances of being caught. He was one of the many prisoners that had escaped the prison and made it to land by boat. Now, he was scurrying around the alleys like a common rat, trying to make a get away. He peers at a corner, no one in sight. Dan presses on his way to escape the city.
“Hark.” Dan said, “It’s quiet here. Drat it. Double drat it. Ever since Carnage’s death, the mods have been rounded up one group at a time. And just when I’m preparing my reunion with Dora Standpipe.”
Dan brought out a necklace from his prison pocket, a picture of Dora Standpipe in it. He held it like a loving parent holding her child.
“Dear rich Dora Standpipe, how I love her” Dan said, pausing for a moment. “father’s money.”. He puts the necklace back into his pocket. “Confound it all! Oh how I hate it! I hate those heroes! I hate the police! And I hate this city! They drive me to drink, which isn’t a good time right now. So I say confound them.”
Again Dan sneaks through the alley, continuing his escape.
“With Carnage gone, that leaves the mobs unprotected.” Dan said.
Dan peers around another corner, to his joy, he finds a carpark, and no one in sight.
“A park of runabouts.”Dan said, thinking out loud.
Dan quickly tiptoes towards one he finds a good choice, a silver Mercedes SLS AMG. It had been left there unattended and a door was opened. The owner must’ve left it there when the prisoners began rioting in the city.
“This one. I’ll steal it! No one will ever know!!!” Dan said. Thankfully to him, no one was around to hear his obvious lack of subtlety.
Dan enters the car and tries to jump-start the car by fiddling with the wirings inside, there was no sign of the keys from the interior. While Dan worked about with the wiring, he heard a noise from far ahead. Some sort of racket. He didn’t bother looking what was going on, all the more reason to hurry up and get the car going.

What was going on was that two of the prisoners had been tossed around, one of them was thrown on top of a trash can, the other was concussed stupid on the ground. Landing on the ground by them was Venom.
“We ain’t happy, we’re feeling glad. We got sunshine in a bag, we’re useless, but not for long.” Venom said. He was singing the Gorillaz song, Clint Eastwood. “Well, you two are, for not knowing where Carnage is.”
Landing by his side was Izuku. “Venom, can you be serious?” Izuku said. “And what are you thinking? We need information of where Carnage and Kasady are and to stop the prisoners, not kill them.”
“We know.” Venom said, “But we could always have fun by bashing these idiots’ brains in the dirt?”
Izuku didn’t like the idea of Venom’s retort. “Maybe we just have different ideas of what fun is.” Izuku said.
“So very true.” Eddie said. Not that Izuku could hear him.

Dan worked at the wirings frantically, he didn’t want to stay around and find out what was going on. He was cursing while sorting out which wires to connect to. There wasn’t any time to waste dordolllng about. While working through the wiring, he was electrocuted when one of the cut wires contacted him by the arm. Smoke sizzled off his charred body. Dan snarled in anger, getting back to getting the car started.
“Confound this stupid car!” Dan said, “You think the owner would’ve left the key here?”
He worked at the wires, holding two wires and bringing them together.

“You need to show some restraint.” Izuku said.
“And you need to tackle your duty seriously.” Venom said.
“I do take it seriously.” Izuku said, “I also know that even the lives of crooks like them matter.”
“Responsibility for the mediocre.” Venom said, “Look at us, we’ve never need to consider such tripes as responsibility.”
“You freaking hypocrite.” Eddie said to Venom, “You’ve been fighting by my rules and you know it.”
“And you suck for merely saying that.’ Venom said, “What fun is it not if we can’t even bite off one head of some idiot?”
Eddie didn’t get the chance to reply, a thunderous noise echoed from nearby, causing Venom to recoil in pain. Venom shrieked in agony, Izuku didn’t know what was going on until he looked in the direction to see the car park nearby. It was a car alarm that went off. Venom shrieked in anger and rushed off in the direction of the car alarm.
“Venom, wait!” Izuku said.
“Venom, hold on!” Eddie said. He was trying to reason with Venom, he knew what his partner was thinking, and he didn’t like it. “No! No! No! No!!!”
“Yes! Yes! Definitely Yes!“ Venom said. He rushed towards the source of the noise, a silver Mercedes SLS AMG.

Dan looked up to the car window to see a black and white monster rushing in his direction, with murderous intent. Dan yelped a cowardly scream, dashing frantically to the other end of the car and trying to hide from the monster.

“What was it that idiot always said? Oh, yes! Detroit Smash! Smash! Smash! Pow! Wham! Blam!” Venom said, leaping onto the hood of the car and smashing onto it with both of his feet. He stamped and smashed the vehicle with his hands and feet, causing several damage to the car. Izuku runs up to the side of the hands, frantically waving in protest at Venom.
“For the love of god, no!” Izuku said.
“Yeah!” Venom said.
“No!” Eddie said. He too was in protest of Venom’s actions.
“Yeah!” Venom said. This time to Eddie.
“No!” both Eddie and Izuku said.
“Oh, yeah!” Venom said.
Venom continued to bash and kick the car until wrecked mash, trying to silence the car alarm and seized his agony.

Dan was being thrown about inside the car, all that punching and kicking was rocking the car around like a boat in a storm. Dan at times hit the floor on his head, even yelling out “A,E,I,O,U” out of being bashed about stupid. This was not what he wanted to deal with in this time. First Carnage being killed, and now another monster like him beating the hell out of a car with him inside.
“Confound it!” Dan said.

Leaping off the car, Venom throws it into the air with one arm. Eddie and Izuku panicked, the car smashed hood first into the ground and capsizes onto the roof of another car backwards. Bits of metal and glass flew everywhere, Venom cries a shriek of anger. The car alarm finally stops, much to Venom’s joy.
“Are you out of your mind?!?” Izuku said.
“No! We’re mad!” Venom said, “That was giving us such a migraine of a headache!”
“That car costs thousands of dollars!” Eddie said, “I can’t afford to pay for that!”
“Destroyed by Carnage or the prisoners, Eddie.” Venom said, “Hardly a difference.”
Venom launches a black webbing from his wrists and leaps into the air, web slinging to the next destination to find more answers of Carnage’s whereabouts or stop more riots. Izuku was speechless, seeing Venom smashing a car because of the car alarm. He was privy that Venom were weak against loud sounds, but this was just stupid. Wrecking public property for a mere annoyance.
“Is he going to tear everything in his path until he finds Kasady and Carnage?” Izuku said.
Crawling out from the wreckage, Dan Standpipe, battered, bruised and probably concussed, gets onto his feet before he collapses into the ground. Izuku looked behind him when he heard what happened behind him. He runs towards him, seeing the prison uniform he was wearing. Izuku couldn’t tell if this was an unexpected bonus or an unfortunate victim,
“You’re okay?” Izuku said.
Dan looks up at him, disorientated and beaten stupid, he was just grateful that the ordeal was over.
“Tom? Dick? Larry? I’m ready to go back to Ryker’s Island now, I think I’ve had enough for one day.” Dan said. His head slams back to the ground, too thrashed to even walk. Izuku didn’t know how to handle this, this poor sap is a prisoner, but it looks like he can’t even walk let alone stand.
“Uh, maybe best to lie here.” Izuku said, “The police wouldn’t be far.”
Turning around to the direction Venom went, Izuku launches a black whip and goes after him.

“You are out of control!” Eddie said, Venom swapping around across the street with web-slinging, Izuku trailing behind.
‘We didn’t eat any heads, did we?” Venom said, “That’s an improvement.”
“Any improvement!?” Eddie said, “You wreck a car!”
“Only because it was bothering us.” Venom said, “You know better.”
“I also know better than that.” Eddie said, “You practically made me and Midoriya as accomplices to intergalactic property damage!”
“Yawn!” Venom said, “While we’re wasting time with “responsibility” and all that crap, Kasady and Carnage are doing whatever the heck they want.”
“While we were wasting time with your antics.” Eddie said.
“A comedian, huh?” Venom said, not privy to the fact that Venom was heading towards a building in front of him.
“Uh, Venom?” Eddie said, “You know that we’re heading towards a building, right?”
“Yes.” Venom said.
“Then why?” Eedie said. Not proxy to the Venom symbiote withdrawing into him, and to the building right at his face. Hitting the wall with such force, Eddie smashed against it face first. “Oh.” Eddie said, now privy to Venom’s antics. Sadly, too late.
Landing on the rooftop of a nearby building, Izuku ran up the edge to see his friend still ledged on the wall of the other building. “Are you okay!?” Izuku said.
“Pulling his head off the impact crater, Eddie was disorientated, battered stupid. “Goodnight sweet prince.” Eddie said, to no one in particular, “And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.”
Eddie fells out of the impact crater and falls to the ground below, much to Izuku’s shock. Launching a black whip at a nearby building, Izuku swoops down from the rooftop and catches Eddie by the leg when he was just floors from the ground.
“Don’t worry, Eddie.” Izuku said, “I’ve got you.”
Izuku and Eddie sadly smashed against the wall of another building, Izuku wasn’t paying attention as he glanced at Eddie when talking to him.
“Should’ve seen that coming.” Izuku said, like Eddie before and now, he was lodged against the wall.
“Narf.” Eddie said, in pain.
The both of them fell off the wall and into the ground, it was closer than they thought. The both of them hit the ground, Eddie landing head first.
“Didt!” Eddie said, the moment his head hit the ground, landing sideways.
“That was embarrassing.” Izuku said, still in pain. “You okay, Eddie?” He picked Eddie up by his shoulders, his friend disorientated like he was having a concussion.
“We will fight them in the malls.” Eddie said, concussed, “We will fight them in the glaciers. ♫Ear-ly in the morning♫, Troz!”
Eddie slumped backgrounds and onto the ground, still disorientated. Izuku thought Eddie was hurt, but not like this. Eddie was bashed stupid. Venom appeared from behind Eddie and looked down at him with his serpentine-like neck. Venom smirked a toothful grin, liking his handy work.
“How’s that for antics?” Venom said.
Venom glanced to his side to see Izuku glaring at him, not approving of Venom’s sense of humor.
“What’s wrong with you?” Izuku said.
“Having a bit of fun.” Venom said.
“Falling from buildings and swooping into walls is your idea of fun?” Izuku said.
“It’s hilarious.” Venom said.
“Do you see me or Eddie laughing?” Izuku said.
“Wasn’t the plan,” Venom said.
Izuku scoffed, “Honestly, Eddie sees you as a friend,’ Izuku said, “I don’t see why since all you do is bully him.”
“Let’s get one thing straight.” Venom said, “We do not approve of bullying!” To emphasize his point, Venom swooped his around and inadvertently smacked Eddie’s, not privy that during his argument with Izuku, Eddie was getting back up. Izuu was surprised to see Eddie back up and was smacked by Venom’s head, picking him back up again.
“You’re okay?” Izuku said, concerned for his friends now that he was bashed again.
“Then the lights went out, all over the world!” Eddie said to no one in particular, still concussed. He slumped back to the ground again.
“Wuss.” Venom said. Izuku glared at him, Venom glancing at him. “What?”

Clawing a piece of his own symbiote from one arm, Carnage holds the severed piece at another while Kasady watches his handy work. The red and black creature chicked the piece into a gutter and went into the sewers. Withdrawing his arms while keeping his head revealed Carnage smirked a sinister grin. They were up to something nobody but them knew, all the better to keep it a secret until the endgame.
“The seeds have been planted.” Carnage said.
“Now we move to our new base.” Kasady said, “While our adversaries try to contain our lower offensive.”
Withdrawing back into Kasady, Carnage had no intention of revealing himself yet to Venom and Eddie again. Kasady smirked, things were going according to plan.

“You are petty beyond belief.” Eddie said, holding his head while it was still racked with pain, “You just can’t help pulling your shenanigans.”
“That’s what you get for being a comedian.” Venom said.
“I wasn’t trying to be funny.” Eddie said, “Because of you, Kasady and Carnage may be further away from where we are.”
“He’s right.” Izuku said, “We’ve wasted too much time, we need to hurry.”
Izuku launched a black whip and leaped off in the direction where Carnage and Kasady last were.
“Can we refrain ourselves from pulling any more crap and deal with the task at hand?” Eddie said, “Priorities here.”
“If you can keep your smartass retorts to yourself, maybe we wouldn’t have wasted time.” Venom said.
“Oh spare me!” Eddie said, throwing his arms in the air out of anger and throwing them back down, one of them launching a black webbing from his wrist the shot passed Izuku, surprising him and Eddie. Eddie glanced at the webbing with shock, this was a surprise. He never knew this was a thing. He looked at Venom, seeing if his partner had any answer to this new technique.
“What was that?!” Eddie said.
“Black webbing.” Venom said, “What the hell do you think it is?”
“Wait, you’re saying that I can web sling like you?” Eddie said, “I thought only you could do it?”
“As you’re bonded to us.” Venom said, “You can crawl on walls, remember?”
“Well, yes, but this is different.” Eddie said, “I suppose you could give me some pointers on the way? Since we’re short on time.”
”Yes.” Venom said, “Don’t fall and die a bloody death.”
“Groovy, that ain’t.” Eddie said.

“What the heck was that about?” Izuku said, heading down the direction he was going, “Was Venom playing some prank again?”
To his surprise, Izuku could hear a cowardly scream coming from behind him. He looked back to see Eddie swinging nearby and launching a black webbing from one of his wrists, swooping at Izuku’s direction. Izuku yelped in panic, narrowly avoiding Eddie’s inadvertent collusion and landed on a building nearby. Izuku glanced to Eddie’s direction, seeing his friend web slinging in chaotic fashion, trying to swoop down the city like Venom before him.
Eddie was screaming, this was not the time to be hindered by his fear of falling from heights. Venom didn’t give him a crash course on web slinging, and as Eddie phrased it, this wasn’t the time for hours of lessons.
“You can web sling?” Izuku said, “Since when?”
“Apparently, now!” Eddie said, “And apparently, I am new to this, if the near collusion wasn’t obvious enough!”
“Didn’t Venom give you any advice on it?’ Izuku said.
“Yes, don’t die a horrible, agonizing death!” Eddie said.
“Well, that was helpful.” Izuku said, sarcastic.
Eddie tried to get the hang of web slinging, after a try or two. He was still having a problem with it, before he apparently got the hang of it, to Eddie’s relief.
“Hey, you see that?” Eddie said to Izuku behind him, “I think I got the hang of this crap!”
Eddie’s triumph was sadly cut short when he rammed into a flag pole that sent him flying in a cartwheel, smacking into a wall of a nearby building with such force.
“Not again.” Eddie said, he should’ve kept his eyes on what was in front of him.
Izuku landed on the building opposite to where Eddie was. “You’re okay?” Izuku said, he remembered this situation too well.
Eddie pulled himself out of the wall crater, holding onto the side and waving out to Izuku. “It’s cake, I’m fine, I’m fine.” Eddie said, he turned away so Izuku couldn’t see his fearful look on his face. “I’m gonna die pitifully and helplessly.
Launching a black webbing from his wrist again, Eddie leaped off the wall and swooped down the street, with Izuku following behind, hoping his friend would get the hang of it. Again. Eddie was having trouble trying to web sling properly.
“Okay, how did I do that?” Eddie said, “Down, up? No, right then up? Nah, Backwards and nose dive? Heck no?”
Eddie shrieked a cowardly scream when he saw the wall coming up towards him, landing his feet quickly to avoid another collusion. He ran as best as he could, trying not to fall into the ground and fearfully launched another black webbing at a nearby building. Using his feet, he leaped off the other building and launched another black webbing.
“Okay” Eddie said, “So it’s Right, then swoop left, Left then swoop right?”
Doing as he suggested to himself, Eddie swung opposite the direction he launched his black webbing. With no pathetic collisions, Eddie went with going through with the idea. To Eddie’s relief, the plan went through with no pain.
“Okay, now we’re talking.” Eddie said, Now this is podracing! I mean, web slinging!”
To break his arrogance, Eddie forgot to launch another web sling, dropping a few floors before he fearfully launched another black webbing.
“Okay, let’s try that again.” Eddie said, “Right, left. Left, right. Right, left.”
Eddie kept thinking out loud, trying not to drop to his death again, panicking whenever he fouled up again. Izuku trailed behind him, hoping his friend wouldn’t repeat the same mistake again.

A police officer smashes against the ground, head busted open and bleeding from the scalp from a recent wound and unconscious. A wooden baseball bat, split at the sop and rendered a spiked tip, placed against the wounded officer. Holding the bat, a ringleader of a group of prisoners. He smirked a wicked grin, liking his work. They had beaten the officer to a bloody pulp in a street, with no one to come to his aid.
“Didn’t you get the memo?” the ringleader said, “All night, Carnage rules.”
He shoved the tip of the bat against the head, threatening to stab him with it. Some of the crooks chuckled.
“Which means, open season on all authority bastards.” the ringleader said, “Prosperity with riches ain’t for free.”
Nearby from the situation, Izuku, Eddie and Venom watched from an alley. Izuku didn’t like the idea, watching while doing nothing. They had to do something, otherwise thet officer would end up being killed. Apparently, Carnage was making the rules now, starting with the slaughter of the police. It was academic that Carnage and Kasady were starting their endgame, more the reason to find them and end it.
“That officer is injured.” Izuku said, “If we act now, the ring leader might take him as a hostage. We have to even the odds.”
“Can’t we not just waste the whole lot of them?” Venom said.
“Didn’t you hear what I said?” Izuku said, “that prisoner might take him hostage. We make a move, he’ll kill him.”
“There’s one other factor. Everyone knows of our quarrel in the past.” Eddie said, “ If the authorities see us working together, that would raise questions.”
“Then what do you suppose we do?” Venom said, “Have you distract them yourself?”
“Oh gee, what didn’t I think of that?” Eddie said sarcastically, “It’s not like I can walk up to them and say” He looked at a nearby rubbish bin and grabbed something from it, an old tennis racket. “Anyone for tennis?”
Venom grabbed the racket from Eddie’s hand with his teeth and smashed it through Eddie’s head, much to Izuku’s surprise.
“Nice game.” Eddie said, battered and disorientated. The racket hung from Eddie’s neck.
“You’re welcome.” Venom said.
Izuku looked at the situation again, trying to figure out a plan. It’s true, if the police found out of his alliance with Eddie and Venom, Eddie’s part in the past battle will be revealed. They can’t risk taking the chance. They needed to get the officer away from harm, or remove the weapon from the ring leader or the ring leader himself. He looked at the rooftop of the building behind them, contemplating.
“Venom, how good is your aim?” Izuku said.
Venom glanced at Izuku, “Impeccable. Why?”
“I think I have an idea.” Izuku said, “But I need you to follow it through.”

The ring leader held the officer up with one arm, and held the bat with the other. He glanced at the other prisoners.
“So what’s the verdict?” The ring leader said, “Stabbed through the head? Or impaled through the heart?”
“Mashed brains!” the prisoners said.
“Well, the ayes have it.” the ring leader said. He raises the bat, tip aimed at the officer’s head. “Nothing personal, but Carnage will have my head if I don’t have yours bloodied.”
“Stop!” A voice called, the ringleader and the rest of the prisoners glanced back to where it came from.
Standing ahead of them and in front of the alley, stood Izuku.
The ringleader chuckled, amused that his group was confronted by a brat. “Ain’t this night full of surprises?” The ringleader said to his comrades.
“Let him go.” Izuku said.
“Oh, things would be easy if it worked that way.” the ringleader said, “But you should know better we’re not that stupid.”
“Let him go and turn yourselves in.” Izuku said, “Maybe you’ll be treated better than the alternative.”
The prisoners cackled, humored by the offer. “Better than the alternative? Well, this Andy McFarline ain’t that kind of idiot to fall for that” the ringleader said, “The way I see it, there’s seven of us, and only one, ol lonesome you. Plus, make a move, and we’ll see through this officer quite literally.”
Izuku was counting on that, he knew the ring leader would use him as a hostage. “Like you said, this night is full of surprises.” Izuku said.
Much to Andy’s indignation, a black webbing came from above and snagged him off the ground. The prisoners looked up to see where their leader went, one of them knocked to the ground by a kick from Izuku, he whipped around while on the ground and took down two more with another kick. He dodged a lead pipe that threw at him, and hit the prisoner holding it with a blow from his elbow. He elbowed another prisoner that came up behind him, throwing a punch to his face after. Izuku leaps into the air and kicks another prisoner that came charging at him, knocking him into the same prisoner that once held the pipe.
“Oh, you little!” the sixth prisoner said, hosting the same pipe in the air, stopping when he saw something that shocked him stupid, “What the hell?”
Izuku glanced at the direction of what the prisoner saw, confused. He quickly got the point as he fearfully ducked from an incoming light pole, hurled right at the prisoner and knocked him along with the rest of the group into the ground. Shocked and confused, Izuku looked at the downed prisoners, glancing behind to see Venom ambling towards him.
“Good bye bad cop, hello good cop.” Venom said, “Yes.”
“What were you thinking?!?” Izuku said, “Are you trying to kill them, let alone me?”
“You ducked.” Venom said, “Isn’t that enough to prove otherwise? Look, they’re still moving. That counts as being careful.”
Izuku looked at the prisoners, they were still alive, but battered to get up or get away. Izuku was still not convinced of Venom’s proof. Annoyed, Izuku glanced back at Venom, now wasn’t the time to argue.
“The ringleader?” Izuku said.
“Ready for interrogation.” Venom said.
“I was afraid you would say that.” Izuku said.

Andy tried his best to break out of the black webbing, but he couldn’t claw out of it. Venom had made sure he would make a getaway while he helped Izuku in subduing the prisoners. There was no way he would flee. Izuku kneeled down in front of Andy, he didn’t approve of this, but there were important matters to deal with, and he couldn’t waste time. He needed the answers to find both Carnage and Kasady.
“You’re one of the gang ringleaders Carnage trusted in carrying out his plan.” Izuku said, “You must know a couple of things about his partner.”
“Sure do.” Andy said, “That he’s a psychopath.”
“He has explained some of his plan to you, or a base of operations.” Izuku said, “Surely he would’ve told you that.”
“How should I know?” Andy said , “The idiot bag about money being the important factor, bringing something better to this world. The guy’s a freaking sideshow, he’s mad as a march hare.”
“Look, people are dying.” Izuku said, “I need to know where he and his partner are.”
“And end up on his sh*t list.” Andy said, “Screw that.”
“If you comply, the police will guarantee your safety.” Izuku said.
“The police? Hah!” Andy said, “They can’t do anything. I ain’t risking my neck for them, let alone anyone.”
This was getting nowhere, as much as Izuku didn’t want to accept. He got back up and walked away from Andy, much to the latter’s indignation. Andy wasn’t privy to what was going on, he saw that his interrogator had a defeated look on his face, like he really didn’t want to resort to other measures. He didn’t like the looks of that looks of this, he had to get away. Still, the webbing was too hard to claw out of.
“What’s this?” Andy said, “The good cop, bad cop routine?”
“Believe me.” Izuku said, he looked behind him, “I hoped otherwise.”
Much to Andy’s shock, he was grabbed by one of his feet and hoisted into the air by a black humanoid creature. Andy remembered the same creature from the prison riot long ago, the one that was called Venom. Venom ambled towards the edge of the building, and positioned Andy right over the edge. Andy squirmed in fight, guessing of the creature’s intention. He could see the creature smirking a grin.
“Hold it! That's not what we agreed on!” Izuku said, He ran up to Venom, but only to get a swipe from Venom’s clawed hand.
“Our rules.” Venom said, “Our deal.” He held Andy off the ground several floors below. “Now, tell us where Kasady is.”
“I don’t know! I swear I don’t know!” Andy said.
“Not good enough. And don’t bother lying, you can take your chances with Carnage or us.” Venom said.
“If I was lying to a freak like you, I’d be insane!” Andy said, “For the love of all that’s sweet and good, but me back on the roof!”
“He’d must’ve talked about something that would be a base to him.” Venom said., “A clue. Anything. Spit it. Otherwise, we’ll feed off the littered with the splattered remains of your idiotic brain of the street!”
“Don’t do it!” Izuku said, “He obviously doesn’t know anything. It’s not for us to decide the fate of his life.”
“Don’t interfere!” Venom said, “He knows something that we don’t. The fearful always does.”
Izuku didn’t like this, threatening a man’s life for information. He get that Venom knew about Carnage’s game, and that he shouldn’t interfere with Venom’s tactics. This was too much, even for a deal. If it means fight him again to stop this, so be it. Izuku got back to his feet, but he was stopped by Andy’s panicking.
“All right! All right! I don’t know much, but there might be something that could be a clue to Kasady’s whereabouts.” Andy said.
“Spill it!” Venom said.
“Back to Ryker’s Island, Kasady prattled about some crap of christianity, religion of something sorts.” Andy said, “He spoke about his learnings of god or whatever. But that’s all I know, I swear!”
“Yes!” Venom said, not privy to the fact that he accidentally let go of Andy, much to his and Izuku’s horror.
Andy shrieked in horror, falling floor after floor helplessly. Venom launched a black webbing from his wrist and caught Andy, luckily still floors from the ground. Izuku was relieved when he saw Venom catching the prisoner.
“Our bad.” Venom said, much to Izuku’s annoyance. The black creature hoisted Andy up until he threw him over the edge and back onto the roof. “Thank you for your cooperation. And as a reward, you have the right to live.”
The black creature headbutted Andy, knocking him unconscious. Venom withdrew into Eddie and reappeared behind him.
“Interrogation successful.” Venom said, he smirked a toothy smile, “Harmless too.”
Izuyku wasn’t amused, he was annoyed. He glared at Venom, Eddie was privy to Izuku’s anger. Izuku wanted to punch Venom stupid, but he knew this wasn’t the time. He had no patience for Venom’s dark humor.
“Harmless?” Izuku said, “You call that harmless?”
“He didn’t die.” Venom said, “Not his head eaten.”
“You threatened to drop him off the roof!” Izuku said, “Matter of fact, you dropped him off the roof anyway!”
“We caught him.” Venom said.
“After you dropped him!” Izuku said.
*“By accident!” Venom said.
“That’s no excuse!” Izuku said, “That is not how heroes solve matters.”
“You forget that we’re dealing with Carnage and Kasady!” Venom said, “these idiots crossed the line when they chose to follow their lead to murder and steal. By our rights, they deserve the death penalty.”
“The lives of humans matter! If we play by Carnage and Ksady’s rules, what will we become?” Izuku said, “We preserve life, even to those who don’t deserve the right. As much you want to think otherwise, Eddie knows that too. I’d thought you would too. ”
Izuku launched a black whip and leaped off into the city. Eddie glanced at Venom with an impatient look., much to Venom’s indignation. Venom knew that Eddie spoke about following the rules and not killing crooks, but he didn’t know that Eddie would think that even those who didn’t deserve chances would have to be saved. Annoyed, Venom wanted to know what was Eddie contemplating about.
“What?” Venom said.
“He isn’t wrong you know.” Eddie said.
“Kasady and Carnage gave up the right to live when they chose to take away countless others.” Venom said.
“Believing me, I know. Just because I prefer them dead, that’s not for us to decide. It never was.” Eddie said, “I’d thought that you’d learned that too.”
Venom didn’t know what to say. He wanted to argue with Eddie, but this wasn’t the time. Not with the murderous pair of Cletus Kasady and Carnage still out there.
“Come on.” Eddie said, “We better catch up.”
Venom withdrew back into Eddie and the Venom symbiote covered him. Launching a black webbing, Venom leaped after Izuku, with much to contemplate about.

Izuku stood at the ledge of a building, waiting for Eddie and Venom to catch up. As much as he hated the idea of working with Venom, he needed all the help he could get in stopping Carnage and Kasady. There were lives at stake. He owed it to Kane too. He thought that Eddie would’ve taught Venom about how heroes would save the day, instead of the unorfadox that Venom utilized.
Eddie landed nearby, walking up to Izuku’s side. “I’m sorry about what happened.” Eddie said.
“You did what you could.” Izuku said, “You didn’t like the interrogation as much as I did.
“I know you’re mad at Venom.” Eddie said, “But cut him some slack, he’s still new to this.”
“He dropped that ringleader, accident or not, that’s not how heroes solve these things.” Izuku said.
“Believe me, I’m just as thankful it didn’t end with a bloody mess as you are.” Eddie said, “But considering what has happened so far, it’s much better than before.”
“How so?” Izuku said.
“You know Venom came to Earth not with the best first impression.” Eddie said, “But since we’ve met, Venom has really toned down his actions. We’re not for me, he’d bitten off that guy’s head.”
“That’s true.” Izuku said.
“He even saved my life.” Eddie said, “He may bully me from time to time, but I know he cares about me, as much as he cares about this planet.”
“But he came as part of an invasion force.” Izuku said.
“Was.” Eddie said, “Now, he’s just a citizen as you and I.”
“But why?” Izuku said, “Why protect this planet after what happened? What changed his mind?”
Venom appeared behind Eddie. “Both of you.” Venom said, “You and Eddie.”
Izuku was surprised to hear Venom’s reasons for defecting from his species and living on Earth. Eddie must’ve convinced Venom of how things work on Earth, even when they were radical and irrational. Venom could’ve bitten off any of the prisoner’s heads, deal or not deal, he agreed to Eddie’s rules and beliefs.Eddie must’ve based his principles on Izuku’s. Eddie had come a long way since they last met. Izuku smiled, privy to Venom’s answer.
“I made mistakes, but you gave me a chance.” Eddie said, “As much as I believe that I still need to earn your forgiveness, please give him a chance too.”
“All right.” Izuku said, “I trust your judgment.”
“So our objective right now is finding whatever matches that idiot’s testimony.” Venom said.
“But where in the city would match said qualities.” Izuku said.
While Izuku contemplated on where exactly Kasady and Carnage would be, Eddie was doing them same. He had an answer that slipped his mind, which was on the top of his tongue. Eddie made sure to note that, it seemed quite confident for Kasady to resort to using a place that matched said testimony. Eddie couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he knew of the place, but again, it slipped his mind.
“Let’s see, if I were Kasady, where would I go? How would Kasady think?” Eddie thought, “I’m a psychotic, nihilistic idiot, spouting the same stupid crap, nonstop at the.”
The idea struck him, just the same time Izuku came up with the same conclusion.
“Ye gods!” Eddie said.
“The Suncoast Cathedral!” Eddie and Izuku said, both of them facing each other when they figured out the whereabouts of Kasady and Carnage.
“You two figured that out and we didn’t?” Venom siad, “Honestly, that could’ve been an easy answer.”
“I could think of an obvious answer.” Eddie said, contemplating that Venom’s brainpower could be the equivalent of a bucktooth donkey, slacking off while it was pestered by a swarm of flies.
‘We have a lead on where our favorite pair are heading.” Eddie said, “Best to call Detective Asswipe, I mean Mulligan.”
“Already on it.” Izuku said.

Two churchmen stand at the front of the gateway, having heard of the chaos going on in the city. They were on watch in case anything were to happen during the rioting, the police hadn’t arrived to secure the premises.To their surprise, they spotted a ruby red haired individual waltzing up to the gate. Cletus walked up to the gate way, the the churchmen remain unwavered from their positions.
“Sir, the church is closed until further notice.” one of them said, “Please return to your home until curfew has been passed.”
Kasady eyed both of them with unwavered confidence, like they don’t know what he knows, “That’s the thing.” Kasady said, “This is my home now. Under new management.”
The churchmen glanced at each other with puzzlement, not privy to Kasady’s revelation, let alone who this individual is. “Sir, please leave the premises immediately or we will have to inform the authorities.”
Kasayd chuckled an evil cackle, “In case you hadn’t heard.” Kasady said, a red and black bladed weapon stabbed through one of the churchmen, coming from one of Kasady’s arms. “We’re the authority now.”
Pulling back the blade, Kasady watches the churchmen collapsing into the ground, dead. The other backed away in shock and horror, the Carnage symbiote appearing and covering Kasady and the red and black creature now standing before him. Smirking a toothful grin, Carnage lunges at the other churchman, jaws lashing at his head, before he could even scream. A splash of blood stained the ground.

“How long until the police arrive.” The priest said, having heard of the bloodshed at their doorstep.
“Forty minutes.” One of the churchmen said, “We’ll won’t last that long.”
“Get to the bunker, we’ll hide out until then.” the Priest said, he looked back at the statue of Jesus Christ, making a quick preyer before heafing to the safety of the bunker, “Forgive us for our trespass, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us”
His prayer was interrupted by the door breaking into splinters and pieces, red and black tendrils came lashing out of the entrance way, and with them, the creature known as Carnage. The churchmen the priest spoke to was stabbed through the body by one of the creature’s tendrils and sent hurling away out the way. Carnage whipped passed the priest and hoisted himself up with his tendrils.
The priest looked up at the creature in fear, standing before him and in front of the statue, like a red and black demonic angel. There were rumors of a creature causing havoc in the city, and they were not aware of the revelation of the creature’s identity. Carnage looked down at the priest, with arrogance and malice, his black teeth baring before him. Snarling, Carnage pointed a clawed finger at him.
“Finish it!” Carnage said, “Finish it!”
“From” The priest said, too fearful to speak. “evil.”
Carnage smirked an evil grin, a red and back axe make-shifting from his hand. “Glady,” Carnage said.

Eddie whipped around to glance at something, not here, but rather further ahead. He and Venom sensed something, something familiar. Izuku was on the phone to Mulligan, explaining everything to him.He’s had to inform the detective about where Kasady might be, but it was easier said than done since it was a theory, rather than proof. It was also hard to explain how he got the information, since it was Venom that got the clue from Andy.

“So let me get this straight?” Mulligan said to his phone, “You believe that Kasady is alive and hiding out in the Cathedral?”
“Yes.” Izuku said, “We have to act fast before many more end up dead.”
“With all due respect,” Mulligan said, “Do you take me for a fool?”
Mulligan didn’t get the chance to hear Izuku’s response, an officer walked up to him.
“We’ve got a call from the church.” the officer said, “Said something about a red and black creature slaughtering the staff. “We’ve lost contact shortly after.”
Mulligan snarled in anger, “What the actual crap.” Mulligan said, only to himself.

“Looks like your intel was correct.” Mulligan said through the phone, “We’ve just got word of a break in at Suncoast Cathedral, of a creature matching Carnage’s description. We’re dispatching few of our forces now. I’ll join you shortly.”
“Okay.” Izuku said, “But it would be best to stay back until it’s over. We can’t afford any more casualties.”
“Don’t have to tell me the bleeding obvious.” Mulligan said. He hung up.
Eddie walked up to Izuku, he knows the truth now.
“It’s them.” Eddie said, “They’re at the cathedral, just as we guessed.:
“Then that’s where we’re going.” Izuku said, “This ends now.”
Izuku launched a black whip and leaped off into the air, Eddie following after with his black webbing.

My Hero Acadmeia: Let there be Carnage (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.