Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (2024)

Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (1)


The Iraqi Banking System: A Noticeable Increase In The Number Of Bank Accounts And The Size Of Citizens’ Deposits

Time: 07/24/2024 13:01:43 Read: 1,898 times {Economic: Al-Furat News} The banking system in Iraq is regaining citizens’ confidence in it little by little, with the increase in the number of bank accounts in banks and banks spread throughout the country.

Banking systems around the world face increasing challenges in light of rapid economic and financial changes.

To ensure the stability of these systems and protect depositors' funds, many countries are moving to join the International Association of Deposit Insurers.

This membership is not just a formality, but rather a strategic step that carries with it great benefits for member states and their banking systems.

In Iraq, economic and political challenges over the decades have provided a strong justification for keeping money at home rather than putting it in banks.

The Iraqi Banking System: A Noticeable Increase In The Number Of Bank Accounts And The Size Of Citizens’ Deposits

Time: 07/24/2024 13:01:43 Read: 1,898 times {Economic: Al-Furat News} The banking system in Iraq is regaining citizens’ confidence in it little by little, with the increase in the number of bank accounts in banks and banks spread throughout the country.

Banking systems around the world face increasing challenges in light of rapid economic and financial changes.

To ensure the stability of these systems and protect depositors' funds, many countries are moving to join the International Association of Deposit Insurers.

This membership is not just a formality, but rather a strategic step that carries with it great benefits for member states and their banking systems.

In Iraq, economic and political challenges over the decades have provided a strong justification for keeping money at home rather than putting it in banks.

However, the joining of the Iraqi Deposit Insurance Company (ICDI) to the International Organization of Deposit Insurers came as a decisive step in improving confidence in the banking system.

Since its accession, Iraq has witnessed a

noticeable increase in the number of bank accounts and the

size of deposits,

which reflects a significant improvement in citizens’ confidence in banks.

This development enhances Iraq’s ability to

attract investments and

support economic growth

by converting savings into productive investments.

In a world of increasing economic and financial interconnectedness, countries cannot act in isolation from each other.

Membership in international deposit insurance bodies reflects countries' commitment to international cooperation and exchange of experiences, and confirms their tireless pursuit of achieving financial stability and protecting depositors' funds.

This membership is not just a formality, but rather a strategic investment in the future of the banking system and the national economy as a whole.

International cooperation: the cornerstone of deposit guarantee

International bodies provide a unique platform for exchanging experiences and knowledge between member states.

National financial institutions can benefit from the successful experiences of other countries in the field of deposit insurance, and avoid the mistakes that some countries have made.

This continuous exchange contributes to the development and modernization of deposit insurance policies and procedures in line with global best practices.

Joining the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) enhances the transparency and credibility of the national banking system.

The state's commitment to strict international standards in the field of deposit insurance sends a positive message to citizens and investors that

their deposits with member banks of the deposit insurance system are in safe hands and that the

banking system is subject to effective local monitoring and supervision.

International bodies not only provide a platform for exchanging experiences, but also provide technical and advisory support to their members.

National institutions can benefit from the expertise of international specialists in developing and implementing effective deposit insurance policies, assessing potential risks, and preparing for financial crises.

By adhering to international standards and applying best practices, national institutions can reduce the risks of financial crises and enhance the stability of the banking system.

This stability is not a goal in itself, but rather a means to achieve broader economic and social goals, such as increasing economic growth rates and providing job opportunities.

When citizens and investors trust the banking system, they are more willing to deposit their money in banks.

This increased confidence leads to an increase in the volume of deposits available for investment, which supports economic activity and contributes to achieving sustainable development.

The impact of membership in international bodies is not limited to enhancing financial stability and confidence in the banking system,

but rather extends to supporting economic development.

Increasing the volume of deposits available for investment can

contribute to financing development projects,

providing loans to small and medium enterprises, and

creating new job opportunities.


Malaysia joined the International Association of Deposit Insurers, which helped improve deposit insurance policies and increase confidence in the banking system.

This accession led to an increase in the volume of bank deposits and greater financial stability, which contributed to supporting economic growth in the country.

South Korea:

After the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s, South Korea joined the International Association of Deposit Insurers.

International membership helped restore confidence in the banking system and strengthen the stability of the national economy, allowing South Korea to achieve a rapid economic recovery.


Iraq Suspends Banking Transactions In Chinese Yuan

Amr Salem July 24, 2024 The Central Bank of Iraq. Photo: AFP Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) – Member of the parliamentary finance committee, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, revealed that Iraq has chosen to discontinue using the Chinese yuan in financial transactions.

Al-Kadhimi told Al-Forat News that the decision was made due to worries about potential manipulation and other difficulties with certain transfers.

Iraq has been ordered by the US Federal Reserve to stop trading in Chinese yuan, citing discrepancies and specific issues with transactions, according to Al-Kadhimi.

The Iraqi lawmaker clarified that the US Federal Reserve receives $3.5 million generated from Iraq’s daily oil exports, noting that the money is regulated through transfers that the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) authorizes.

Before transferring cash to the specified Iraqi organizations, the Federal Reserve has to authorize these transfers and the related commercial activities.

In order to provide the CBI and Iraqi businesses additional alternatives, Al-Kadhimi added that the parliamentary finance committee will push the CBI to address this problem and diversify its currency basket.

In February 2023, the CBI announced that the financing of foreign trade with China will be regulated directly in the Chinese yuan through two options.

The first option includes strengthening the balances of Iraqi banks that have accounts with Chinese banks in the Chinese yuan, while the

second option includes strengthening the balances of Iraqi banks through the accounts of the CBI, in the Chinese yuan, with the J.P. Morgan bank, and the Development Bank in Singapore.

Later in 2023, Iraq enhanced its balances in the yuan currency through the Singapore Development Bank to finance the country’s trade with China by about $12 billion annually.

Baghdad also increased its assets in UAE dirham and was negotiating to increase its balances in euros to finance trade with the European Union. https://www.iraqinews.com/iraq/iraq-suspends-banking-transactions-in-chinese-yuan/

Drilling Techniques And Oil Reserves

Economical 07/24/2024 Walid Khaled Al-Zaidi It is an axiom of work in oil fields that advanced, highly efficient drilling mechanisms produce important results at the level of extraction and new discovery, especially the quantities of reserve crude that lie in the depths of those fields and in the southern regions in particular.

This is confirmed by a group of specialized geologists that the statistics are based to a large extent.

To data estimated decades ago that unexplored fields in Iraq may contain much larger oil reserves than originally indicated, and

Iraq may exceed its fifth place in the world in terms of oil reserve quantities at the level of oil-rich countries.

What reinforces these indicators are the actions taken by the Ministry of Oil these days and by updating Drilling mechanisms in some southern fields through the inauguration of the giant drilling rig in Iraq, which operates with a power of up to (2000) horsepower, in the Majnoon field specifically.

The impact of the drilling process with this device, which is the largest in Iraq, has many benefits that other less powerful devices have not been able to achieve, and

its positive effects on the production process in the aforementioned field are worthy of attention because it is characterized by a superior ability to drill greater depths compared to devices with less power than it,

because all its equipment Manufactured with high technology for the purpose of reaching deep levels of drilling operations that can achieve the desired purpose, which is mostly drilling exploratory and appraisal wells,

in addition to the technical technology to address situations and problems that may occur during drilling operations deep into the targeted wells, as well as

providing geological information about the rock layers that can be It adds new numbers to the size of national reserves in addition to what was confirmed in

previous statistics that showed that Iraq is ranked fifth among the best countries that possess growing oil reserves,

according to statistics from the Italian oil company Eni, and among the ten largest countries in the world, with an amount of (145) billion barrels, before Approximately two years, with a growth rate that can change upwards

The modern uses that the Ministry of Oil is working on, through its well-drilling company, have all the possibilities at the level of new exploration, including recording modern numbers in the field of field reserves in all regions of Iraq, and on an increasing basis, after widely varying estimates regarding these indicators and through the numbers of the US Department of Energy before For almost two decades, I indicated that Iraq has (112) billion barrels of reserve.

The US Geological Survey previously estimated Iraqi oil reserves at (78) billion barrels in 1995,

but local oil sources expected at the time that the potential reserves might reach (300) billion barrels.

After these indicators, evidence comes to indicate beyond doubt that the actions and procedures of those in charge of the oil sector, and through modernization and investment in drilling operations, lead to the fact that the levels of oil reserves in Iraq are rising in a proportional manner with those procedures and through the great efforts that the Ministry of Oil seeks to achieve development goals.

Determining the graphical indicators for everything related to this field and the successes it can achieve in the long term, which will bring oil, which is the vital economic factor, to great positive effects on the comprehensive development of our country. https://alsabaah.iq/99883-.htm

For current and reliable Iraqi news please visit:https://www.bondladyscorner.com/

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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

Wealthy Beginnings: How the Rich Raise Their Babies Differently

July 7, 2024 5 by Cindy Lamothe Edited by Ashleigh Ray

Raising babies takes a lot out of you — emotionally, physically and financially. Rich parents are often better equipped to handle the toll because of one simple thing: resources.

“Wealthy families do not automatically make better parents, but they do have access to more support and therefore more time than most,” said Christine Landis, a former CEO of a global fintech company, a parent of two children and the founder of Peaco*ck Parent.

Having this additional time and support allows both parents to be less resentful, and more present with their kids (and each other). Keep reading to see just how the wealthy raise their babies differently

Wealthy Beginnings: How the Rich Raise Their Babies Differently

July 7, 2024 5 by Cindy Lamothe Edited by Ashleigh Ray

Raising babies takes a lot out of you — emotionally, physically and financially. Rich parents are often better equipped to handle the toll because of one simple thing: resources.

“Wealthy families do not automatically make better parents, but they do have access to more support and therefore more time than most,” said Christine Landis, a former CEO of a global fintech company, a parent of two children and the founder of Peaco*ck Parent.

Having this additional time and support allows both parents to be less resentful, and more present with their kids (and each other). Keep reading to see just how the wealthy raise their babies differently

They Count on a Full Staff of Helpers

“Ask any parent, and they will tell you that time is the ultimate luxury in parenthood,” explained Landis. “And this is exactly what wealthy parents can buy more of — time — in the form of delegation and outsourcing in parenthood.”

For example, wealthy families typically have multiple nannies, family assistants and private chefs to help with the duties typically expected of parents.

According to Landis, “The nannies work early morning shifts on weekends to allow the parents to sleep in together — a true luxury in parenthood — help with school drop off and pick up schedules and help keep the kids away from screens with good old fashion entertainment — like reading the same book over and over again.”

Family assistants also help maintain the household supplies, make doctors’ appointments and complete school paperwork — all the things that have to get done, but not necessarily by the parent.

“The private chef comes 3 times per week and handles the entire meal planning for the family — not just the kids — and saves both parents time and energy from grocery shopping, unloading, prepping, cooking and cleaning up meals for everyone.”

They Hire a Night Nanny

One of the most distinctive practices among wealthy parents is hiring a night nanny. This practice allows parents to ensure that they get adequate rest while their newborn is cared for by a professional during the night.

Head of growth at GoSummer, Dennis Shirshikov called this benefit multifaceted because “… parents are able to maintain their productivity and mental health which is crucial for those managing businesses or high-stress careers.”

TO READ MORE: https://www.gobankingrates.com/money/wealth/how-the-rich-raise-babies-differently/?utm_term=incontent_link_3&utm_campaign=1278834&utm_source=yahoo.com&utm_content=9&utm_medium=rss

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 25 July 2024

Compiled Thurs. 25 July 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

Activation of the Emergency Broadcast System Worldwide =

Mainstream Media Satellites Go Down =

Communications Blackout =

New Quantum System =

Military Law =


Freedom From Debt Chains of the Cabal

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 25 July 2024

Compiled Thurs. 25 July 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

Activation of the Emergency Broadcast System Worldwide =
Mainstream Media Satellites Go Down =
Communications Blackout =
New Quantum System =
Military Law =
Freedom From Debt Chains of the Cabal

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

THE EBS – WHAT TO EXPECT: Rumors/Opinions

There will be (allegedly) a EBS message sent over phones, TV and radio around the Globe saying that in the next five hours or so, everyone needed to be home for a global lockdown that would last 10 to 12 days.

NESARA will be announced to the world, which will show that EVERYTHING NEW is beginning.

At the end of the 12 days, they will give out an 800 number for individuals to call to obtain an appointment to set up your Quantum money account on the new Star Link Satellite System.


Global Currency Reset: Opinions/Rumors

Wed. 24 July 2024 Ginger’s Liberty Lounge: Happy Camper German Bond Holders were being processed in Europe. That fits in with what we are experiencing here! A friend of mine who lives in Germany is very close to what’s happening in Zurich! She told me two weeks ago that everything was being processed and settled, and I asked her how far along they were, how long it would take and she sent me pictures of a boat party which took place on a big lake so apparently she’s not allowed to talk about it, that was answer enough for me.

Tues. 23 July6 2024 Wolverine: The millions of people in the Precatorios Platform were made liquid on Tues. 23. Private contractors are also being paid. More have been called into Zurich. My Asian contact said that their platform starts on Wed. 24 July. I was told Mon. night, that a certain country in Asia was about to release on Tues. 23 July. China as well. A committee member in London confirmed that funds will be released Tues. afternoon in Reno and payments on Wed. 24 July. Reno has liquid funds. They received instructions to pay on Wed. 24 July. On Thursday D-1-D-2 will be released.The platforms will receive their funds on Wed. 24 July, but they must wait for D1 and D2 to go live on Thursday.Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 provide all the money for the exchange. At this moment there is a start in Brazil, for the beneficiaries of this process.

Tues. 23 July 2024 Bruce: Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) could be notified at any time. Bond Holders have been told they will be notified on Wed. 24 July and get access to their monies on Thurs. 25 July.

Tues. 23 July 2024 MarkZ: Historic Bond paperwork – especially on the Asian Bonds – has been sent to the Hague. I’m hearing the only reason the RV did not go over the weekend was fights over the value of some old German bonds. But things are now “unstuck.”


Global Financial Crisis:

Wed. 24 July 2024 US Banks to begin reporting Russian assets for eventual forfeiture under new law.

On Wed. 24 July 2024 the Stock Market was Big Red Mad.

Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/07/25/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-july-25-2024/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Frank26 The Iraqi dinar is the only currency in Iraq. Therefore that currency has to go up in value. It has to go up in value, it's going International. How do you know it's going international? Because Sudani...Alaq, the governor of the CBI said so. I'm not pulling things out of the air. I'm repeating to you what these great leaders are doing in their county...

Frank26 The direction that the monetary reform is going is in the direction to add value and introduce new lower denoms and to change the exchange rate and then to float. That's the step we're in. We're not in a step where we need to pass laws. We're not in a step where we need permission from anybody over there, over here, over there - United Nations Security Council, the Untied States Treasury, nobody. We're at the point where Neil Armstrong is just about to put that right foot on the moon.

Iraq US Security Summit in Washington DC This Week

Edu Matrix: 7-25-2024

Iraq US Security Summit in Washington DC This Week


BRACE FOR IMPACT! It's the total collapse of the US Dollar

Morris Invest: 7-24-2024


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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

Iraq Dinar Update - IQD Revaluation-Key Indicators - Deposit Insurance -Arbitration law - Guarantees

MilitiaMan and Crew: 7-24-2024

The Crew: Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraq Dinar Update - IQD Revaluation-Key Indicators - Deposit Insurance -Arbitration law - Guarantees

MilitiaMan and Crew: 7-24-2024

The Crew: Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..


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Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20 Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20


Wednesday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#


Wednesday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#


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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

XRP WHALES Go On $84 MILLION Buying Spree To Lock Down 140 Million Tokens "XRP whales look to have regained their confidence in the XRP token, with recent data showing an accumulation trend among these investors. This is significant as XRP eyes the $1 mark andas these XRP whales could play a role in facilitating such a price rally. "

"Crypto analyst Ali Martinez recently shared data from the on-chain analytics platform Santiment, which shows thatXRP whales bought over 140 million XRP ($84 million) this past week."

"This increase in whale accumulation is also a factor that could contribute to such a rally, as these investors could use their market influence to push XRP’s price to new highs.Santiment recently noted that XRP’s impressive rebound is supported by the rising level of coins held by xrp whales and sharks with over 100,000 tokens. According to Santiment, this category of investors now holds over 51 billion XRP tokens, a new all-time high (ATH). "

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

XRP WHALES Go On $84 MILLION Buying Spree To Lock Down 140 Million Tokens

"XRP whales look to have regained their confidence in the XRP token, with recent data showing an accumulation trend among these investors. This is significant as XRP eyes the $1 mark andas these XRP whales could play a role in facilitating such a price rally. "

"Crypto analyst Ali Martinez recently shared data from the on-chain analytics platform Santiment, which shows thatXRP whales bought over 140 million XRP ($84 million) this past week."

"This increase in whale accumulation is also a factor that could contribute to such a rally, as these investors could use their market influence to push XRP’s price to new highs.Santiment recently noted that XRP’s impressive rebound is supported by the rising level of coins held by xrp whales and sharks with over 100,000 tokens. According to Santiment, this category of investors now holds over 51 billion XRP tokens, a new all-time high (ATH).

"n addition to this significant whale accumulation,network activity on theXRP ledger (XRPL)also paints a bullish picture for XRP. Santiment revealed that the XRPL is witnessing a notable increase in new addresses created and total addresses interacting on the network. Both metrics are at their highest levels since March.

"Specifically, data from Santiment shows that1,721 new XRP wallets were created on July 18 and that 47,363 individual addresses interacted on the network that day.This is also a bullish signal as it suggests that retail investors are also flocking into the XRP ecosystem in anticipation of higher prices from the crypto token. XRP’s technicals also suggest that a significant price rally is on the horizon. "

@ Newshounds News™

Read more:Bitcoinist


South African Startup Neonomad to Launch Rand-Backed STABLECOIN

"South African fintech startup Neonomad, a hybrid exchange platform, is set to launch Zarcoin (ZARC), a rand-backed stablecoin. The goal of Zarcoin is to bridge the gap between traditional and crypto finance while enabling seamless local and cross-border transactions."

"According to a report, the STABLECOIN is set to cater to both unbanked and banked South Africans, utilizing Solana Pay for instant and low-cost transactions."

"For his part, Devon Krantz, COO of Neonomad, stated that the STABLECOIN and the firm’s app are intended to facilitate multiple offerings, even in the decentralized finance (defi) space. He added that Neonomad’s platform is specially designed to transition users from traditional banking platforms to the startup’s “secure STABLECOIN ecosystem.”

"Meanwhile, the report revealed that the hybrid exchange platform also plans to launch an educational program to boost cryptocurrency usage among South Africans. Neonomad aims to achieve this by launching a coworking space for crypto enthusiasts in Cape Town sometime during the last quarter of 2024."

@ Newshounds News™

Read more:Bitcoin


Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (2)


1. A call fromISAAC - WHO IS ISSAC -BIO

Isaac has SKRs, buyers, and contact with the Paymasters' Paymaster and Chinese Dragons.


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Read more:Bob Lock

Calls are recorded and in thearchive room.

When we have the details they will be shared all over. Stay tuned.

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Iraq, US Agree To Reach Understanding On Concept Of New Phase Of Security Relationship

Wednesday 24 July 2024 | Politics Number of readings: 192 Baghdad / NINA / Iraq and the United States of America agreed to reach an understanding on the concept of a new phase of the bilateral security relationship, which includes cooperation through liaison officers, training, and traditional security cooperation programs.

The two sides agreed, in a joint statement issued after the second round of talks in Washington, to commit to developing Iraq's security and defense capabilities and their determination to deepen security cooperation across a full range of issues to advance the common interest of both countries in the security and sovereignty of Iraq, and in the stability of the region.

The 2024 Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue builds on the discussions held during the visit of the Iraqi-Sudanese Prime Minister to Washington, DC, in April of this year and the inaugural Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue last summer.

Iraq, US Agree To Reach Understanding On Concept Of New Phase Of Security Relationship

Wednesday 24 July 2024 | Politics Number of readings: 192 Baghdad / NINA / Iraq and the United States of America agreed to reach an understanding on the concept of a new phase of the bilateral security relationship, which includes cooperation through liaison officers, training, and traditional security cooperation programs.

The two sides agreed, in a joint statement issued after the second round of talks in Washington, to commit to developing Iraq's security and defense capabilities and their determination to deepen security cooperation across a full range of issues to advance the common interest of both countries in the security and sovereignty of Iraq, and in the stability of the region.

The 2024 Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue builds on the discussions held during the visit of the Iraqi-Sudanese Prime Minister to Washington, DC, in April of this year and the inaugural Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue last summer.

They agreed to establish a bilateral High Military Committee to analyze three factors, the threat from ISIS, operational requirements, and the capability levels of the Iraqi security forces, in addition to continuing consultations on enhancing bilateral cooperation to ensure the lasting defeat of ISIS after more than a decade of cooperation between the international coalition and Iraq.

The Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue continued on the basis of the work of the High Military Committee over the past six months and in recognition of the upcoming tenth anniversary of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS military mission in Iraq.

A detailed joint statement on the future of the Global Coalition’s mission and presence in Iraq is scheduled to be issued shortly after the conclusion of the Higher Military Committee.

The two sides affirmed the importance of Iraq’s continued support for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS in Syria and around the world.

In addition, the delegations reached an understanding on the concept of a new phase in the bilateral security relationship, which includes cooperation through liaison officers, training, and traditional security cooperation programs.

The delegations also discussed efforts to build the operational capacity of Iraqi security forces through U.S. military assistance and security cooperation programs, including through Foreign Military Sales and Foreign Military Financing.

The two sides emphasized the importance of continued cooperation to ensure the sustainability of U.S. military equipment used by Iraqi security forces. The delegations emphasized the value of professional military education and technical training programs and decided to enhance both.

In support of Iraq’s sovereignty and security, the delegations emphasized that the advisory mission is in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government to support Iraqi security forces in the fight against ISIS and to support and develop Iraqi security forces, including Kurdish security forces.

The Iraqi representatives affirmed their absolute commitment to protect U.S. and Coalition personnel, advisors, convoys, and diplomatic facilities.

Delegations discussed the continued urgent need to return displaced persons and detainees currently in northeastern Syria to their countries of origin and to support reintegration efforts into local communities in Iraq. Repatriations represent an important line of effort in the ongoing fight against ISIS./ End https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=1143380

Iraqi Banking System.. A Significant Increase In The Number Of Bank Accounts And The Volume Of Deposits For Citizens

Time: 2024/07/24 13:01:43 Read: 1,716 times {Economic: Al Furat News} The banking system in Iraq is gradually regaining citizens’ confidence with the increase in the number of bank accounts in the country.

Banking systems around the world are facing increasing challenges in light of rapid economic and financial changes. To ensure the stability of these systems and protect depositors’ funds, many countries are moving towards joining the International Association of Deposit Insurers. This membership is not just a formality, but a strategic step that carries significant benefits for member countries and their banking systems.

In Iraq, economic and political challenges over the decades have provided a strong justification for keeping money at home rather than in banks. However, the accession of the Iraqi Deposit Insurance Corporation (ICDI) to the International Association of Deposit Insurers was a decisive step in improving confidence in the banking system.

Since its accession, Iraq has witnessed a significant increase in the number of bank accounts and the volume of deposits, reflecting a significant improvement in citizens’ confidence in banks. This development enhances Iraq’s ability to attract investment and support economic growth by converting savings into productive investments.

In a world characterized by increasing economic and financial interdependence, countries cannot operate in isolation from each other. Membership in international deposit insurance bodies reflects countries’ commitment to international cooperation and exchange of expertise, and confirms their relentless pursuit of financial stability and the protection of depositors’ funds.

This membership is not just a formality, but a strategic investment in the future of the banking system and the national economy as a whole.

International cooperation: the cornerstone of deposit insurance

International bodies provide a unique platform for the exchange of expertise and knowledge between member states. National financial institutions can benefit from the successful experiences of other countries in the field of deposit insurance, and avoid the mistakes made by some countries.

This ongoing exchange contributes to the development and modernization of deposit insurance policies and procedures in line with international best practices. Joining the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) enhances the transparency and credibility of the national banking system.

A country’s commitment to strict international standards in the field of deposit insurance sends a positive message to citizens and investors, stating that their deposits with banks that are members of the deposit insurance system are in safe hands and that the banking system is subject to effective local monitoring and supervision.

International bodies do not only provide a platform for the exchange of expertise, but also provide technical and advisory support to their members.

National institutions can benefit from the expertise of international specialists in developing and implementing effective deposit insurance policies, assessing potential risks, and preparing for financial crises.

By adhering to international standards and implementing best practices, national institutions can reduce the risk of financial crises and enhance the stability of the banking system.

This stability is not an end in itself, but rather a means to achieve broader economic and social goals, such as increasing economic growth rates and creating job opportunities. When citizens and investors trust the banking system, they are more willing to deposit their money in banks.

This increased confidence leads to an increase in the volume of deposits available for investment, which supports economic activity and contributes to achieving sustainable development.

The impact of membership in international bodies is not limited to enhancing financial stability and confidence in the banking system, but extends to supporting economic development. Increasing the volume of deposits available for investment can contribute to financing development projects, providing loans to small and medium enterprises, and creating new job opportunities.


Malaysia joined the International Association of Deposit Insurers, which helped improve deposit insurance policies and increase confidence in the banking system.

This accession led to an increase in the volume of bank deposits and greater financial stability, which contributed to supporting economic growth in the country.

South Korea:

After the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s, South Korea joined the International Association of Deposit Insurers. International membership helped restore confidence in the banking system and stabilise the national economy, allowing South Korea to achieve a rapid economic recovery. LINK

"Vigilant Guardian"... Harmonious Supervisory Cooperation To Guarantee Citizens' Deposits In Iraqi Banks

Time: 2024/07/24 Reading: 923 times {Economic: Al Furat News} At the heart of the Iraqi financial system, the harmonious cooperation between the Banking Control Department and the Iraqi Deposit Insurance Corporation (ICDI) is evident as two fundamental pillars in the edifice of financial stability.

Despite the apparent overlap in their duties, a deeper look into the details of their roles reveals a precise functional integration that ensures the safety and strength of the country’s banking sector.

The Banking Control Department’s mission is to supervise and closely monitor banking institutions operating in Iraq. It acts as a vigilant guardian that ensures strict adherence to applicable financial and accounting standards.

The department’s responsibilities extend to assessing banks’ financial performance and ensuring their compliance with relevant banking laws and regulations, particularly with regard to liquidity and solvency requirements. In times of crisis, the department intervenes decisively to contain the repercussions and provide the necessary support to maintain the stability of the banking system and prevent its collapse.

On the other hand, the Iraqi Deposit Insurance Corporation (ICDI) plays a pivotal role in protecting and ensuring the safety of public deposits. It is a safety net that protects savings from loss in the event of a bank going bankrupt.

By providing guarantees on bank deposits up to a certain limit, ICDI instills confidence in depositors and encourages them to save and invest in banks instead of hoarding, which contributes to increasing the liquidity available to the national economy, thus driving growth and development.

The integration between the Banking Supervision Department and the ICDI lies in the harmonious distribution of roles and tasks that ensures the achievement of the ultimate goal, which is to preserve the banking system and enhance its stability.

While the Department plays the role of the “guardian” that monitors and guides, the ICDI plays the role of the “safe haven” that protects and provides reassurance. This precise functional integration reflects the close cooperation between the two institutions, and demonstrates that their roles are not conflicting, but rather complementary and harmonious to achieve a common goal, which is to protect deposits and ensure their successful and safe use by banks.

The Iraqi experience is the best evidence of the effectiveness of this integration. Following Iraq’s accession to the International Association of Deposit Insurers, the country witnessed a significant improvement in the stability of its financial system, and a significant increase in the volume of bank deposits, indicating the growing confidence of citizens in the banking system.

These positive results confirm that close cooperation between the Banking Supervision Department and the ICDI plays a crucial role in achieving the desired financial stability.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that the integration between the Banking Control Department and the Iraqi Deposit Insurance Corporation constitutes a model to be emulated for constructive cooperation between state institutions.

This integration contributes to achieving the common goals of protecting depositors’ funds, enhancing financial stability, and driving sustainable economic development in Iraq. LINK

For current and reliable Iraqi news please visit:https://www.bondladyscorner.com/

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20


Clare: Central Bank Governor discusses with UN Regional Representative the development of bilateral programmes

July 23, 2024

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Chairman of the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Council, Mr. Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, received the Regional Representative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime for the Middle East and North Africa, Ms. "Christina Albertin" and her accompanying delegation.

During the meeting, they discussed strengthening bilateral relations and completing the programs achieved between the two sides, especially with regard to capacity building in following up on criminal proceeds in accordance with international best practices.


Clare: Central Bank Governor discusses with UN Regional Representative the development of bilateral programmes

July 23, 2024

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Chairman of the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Council, Mr. Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, received the Regional Representative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime for the Middle East and North Africa, Ms. "Christina Albertin" and her accompanying delegation.

During the meeting, they discussed strengthening bilateral relations and completing the programs achieved between the two sides, especially with regard to capacity building in following up on criminal proceeds in accordance with international best practices.

The guest delegation praised the efforts made by the Iraqi Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Office in combating cross-border crimes, following up on proceeds, and strengthening the work of the internal, regional and international system.

It is noteworthy that Iraq is hosting the Second Baghdad International Conference on Combating Drugs, under the patronage of the Prime Minister, who made it clear in his speech during the conference that drugs threaten the stability of the region, and Iraq's vision towards combating them is not limited to the harm targeting its youth, but will be a factor in comprehensive instability in the region if neglected.

Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office
July 23, 2024



Clare: Baghdad Governor: The capital's development road path will include the largest commercial exchange station


Baghdad Governor Abdul Muttalib Al-Alawi chaired an expanded meeting to discuss the final path of the development road, noting that it will include the largest commercial exchange station in the capital.

The Media and Government Communication Department in Baghdad Governorate stated: "The meeting witnessed the participation of representatives from the Ministries of Construction and Housing and Public Municipalities and Planning, a number of general managers and the technical assistant to the Governor of Baghdad and heads of administrative units in the districts and sub-districts in Baghdad Governorate."

The governor said, according to the statement: "The files of conflicts and compensations for the owners of disposal rights and everything related to this important and vital path for Iraq and Iraqis were discussed, in terms of the economic, social, security and political aspects," noting that: "The path that will pass through Baghdad Governorate cuts approximately 28-30 km after changing the path line, and contains the largest commercial exchange station in Baghdad, and will give a clear economic return and provide employment for workers."

Al-Alawi pointed out: "The attendees stressed the need for cooperation and coordination between the concerned parties to establish this important strategic vital line, which will give Iraq an important strategic and economic dimension." LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Mnt Goat Again, I have to ask as to why the reinstatement has not already occurred, if no other rate on FOREX than to reflect the assets of the oil rentier economy already established and ongoing as we know it prior to 1990. Prior to 1990, the rate of the dinar was hovering around $3.22. So why are they still artificially suppressing the rate now? Now, it’s 1/6 of a penny? The war has been over for 21 years, all of Chapter VII sanctions are lifted a year and a half ago, Iraq is producing 1/3 more oil than in 1990, their monetary reserves are the highest in history, up to 150 tons of GOLD and many more other marketable assets are now in motion... [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Mnt Goat Oh…did I mention de-dollarization and all the banking and anti-corruption measures already put in place...I believe it is this “all or nothing” attitude that is holding back Iraq as it needs its currency back online now. This is especially true for attracting foreign investors... my CBI contact told me...why the Project to Delete the Zeros is stalled. I will not get into details of these reasons...as I feel we must just buckle down and wait for this Biden administration to end, at least the part that is controlling the US Treasury and pretending to work with Iraq...I have strong knowledge from my CBI contact this is what has been holding up the RV. The US Treasury will NOT release it... [Post 2 of 2]

IRAQ- Saudi Arabia China Heavily Investing in Iraq Micro Special Report

Edu Matrix: 7-24-2024

IRAQ- Saudi Arabia China Heavily Investing in Iraq Micro Special Report - This is what is happening behind the curtains when it comes to investing in Iraq's future.



Greg Mannarino: 7-24-2024

No loans, No deposits and no deals.


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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,

PUTIN WANTS RUSSIA TO EMBRACE THE DIGITAL RUBLE "The digital ruble has proven its viability and it is time to move on to a wider use of the currency, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting about the economy." "Digital currency works much the same way as national currenciesused by central banks of various countries, making transactions more transparent and easier to track.

Russia is not the first country to think about going digital; the leader in this sphere is China, which was among the first nations to widely introduce digital currency with the digital yuan, Natalya Milchakova, lead analyst at Freedom Finance Global, explained to Izvestia. Only a few countries have fully switched over to using digital currencies, mostly countries in the Caribbean, such as the Bahamas and Jamaica."

""Russia wants to be at the cutting edge of modern technologies, including financial services. The DFA (tokens) market is already taking off in the country, including those issued by major industrial enterprises in order to inject money into promising projects,"Milchakova explained.

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,


"The digital ruble has proven its viability and it is time to move on to a wider use of the currency
, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting about the economy."

"Digital currency works much the same way as national currenciesused by central banks of various countries, making transactions more transparent and easier to track.

Russia is not the first country to think about going digital; the leader in this sphere is China, which was among the first nations to widely introduce digital currency with the digital yuan, Natalya Milchakova, lead analyst at Freedom Finance Global, explained to Izvestia. Only a few countries have fully switched over to using digital currencies, mostly countries in the Caribbean, such as the Bahamas and Jamaica."

""Russia wants to be at the cutting edge of modern technologies, including financial services. The DFA (tokens) market is already taking off in the country, including those issued by major industrial enterprises in order to inject money into promising projects,"Milchakova explained.

Putin wants to take this a step further: to move on to a wider large-scale implementation of the digital ruble in the economy,business and finance. This may help the government in terms of controlling the budget, cutting the cost of budget payments and easing trans-border transactions."

"The digital ruble has a chance to become a full-fledged payment instrument for individuals and companies but to make this a reality, the government has a lot of work to do, and it must learn from past mistakes made by other countries when implementing such currencies.

There, people saw certain risks for financial confidentiality or restrictions of financial freedom," the legislator noted in a conversation with Izvestia."

@ Newshounds News™

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"United States 90% silver coins were minted to be used as money, were used as money, and could be used as money again. Minted before 1965, they are called junk silver coins because they have no collector or numismatic value. The coins are bought and sold for the value of their silver content."

"When minted, a bag of 90% junk silver coins contained 723 ounces of silver, but because of wear a smelted bag of dimes or quarters will net about 715 ounces. A bag of half-dollars will net a little more, maybe 718-720 ounces because half-dollars did not circulate as much as dimes and quarters, and, therefore, did not suffer as much wear."

"Because a “bag” ($1000 face) contains approximately 715 ounces of silver, it tracks the spot price of silver. If silver goes up ten cents, a bag of US silver coins rises $70 or so; however, when junk silver coins are in short supply their premiums can increase."

"Although many investors buy junk silver coins as bullioninvestments,other investors buy junk US silver coins for “survival purposes.” These buyers fear the worst for the dollar, that it will be printed until it becomes worthless. If this “worst-case scenario” were to become reality,US silver coins would be used for the purpose they were originally minted: as money."

@ Newshounds News™

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CMI Gold & Silver


Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (3)


"A graph of Bitso crypto exchange activity in Argentina demonstrates the high level interest in stablecoins. Stablecoins entirely dominate the daily volumes as opposed to other cryptocurrencies.It would be easy to assume that Argentinians are not interested in Bitcoin, but that’s not quite true."

"At first we thought there might be a mistake. However, there are several rationales for both these graphs to be accurate.

Take the scenario of someone who lives in Argentina. When they receive their wages they convert them to dollar stablecoins. Then whenever they want to spend money, they draw down dollars. That would create a lot of stablecoin activity. The same person could still have their savings in Bitcoin. Hence. the daily transactions could be evidence of everyday spending."

@ Newshounds News™

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Ledger Insights


What’s keeping silver down while gold hold above $2,400?

"(Kitco News) -Gold has been able to maintain a solid uptrend, building a new base with each rally; however, this momentum has not filtered through the entire sector as silver struggles to find its footing."

"While gold is fighting for support at higher lows around $2,400 an ounce,silver is struggling around $29 an ounce. Silver's underperformance compared to the yellow metal has pushed the gold/silver ratio to its highest level in two months,back above 82 points."

"Some analysts have said thatgold is benefiting as a safe-haven asset because of rising geopolitical uncertainty, fueled by the U.S. elections in November."

“Silver usually follows the price movements of gold disproportionately. However, this has recently only applied to the downside. The previous upward movement in gold following the US inflation figures was more or less ignored by silver,”said Carsten Fritsch, Commodity Analyst at Commerzbank.

“The relative weakness in silver is likely due to the weakness in base metals. This is because industrial applications are expected to account for almost 60% of silver demand this year.”

"Although silver continues to struggle, many investors are still not ready to give up on the precious metal. In a recent interview with Kitco News, Robert Minter, Director Of Investment Strategy at abrdn,said that he expects silver to eventually outperform gold as the Federal Reserve starts to cut interest rates."

@ Newshounds News™

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The pro-crypto senator claimed that Bitcoin mining consumes as much energy as household appliances such as tumble dryers.

On July 23,Senator Cynthia Lummis released a report arguing against the Biden administration’s proposed 30% excise tax on the energy consumed by Bitcoin miners.

The report, titled "Powering Down Progress: Why A Bitcoin Mining Tax Hurts America",put the Bitcoin
BTC mining industry into sharper focus, highlighting the benefits of the critical mining infrastructure to the United States' energy grid.

Lummis cited the Bitcoin Energy and Emissions SustainabilityTracker as evidence that Bitcoin mining is cleaner than is commonly imagined, noting thatup to 52.6% of BTC mining might be emissions-free.

Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (4)

A breakdown of sustainable Bitcoin mining. Source: Batcoinz

The pro-crypto senator then turned her attention to theincreasing role of Bitcoin mining facilities in securing the energy grid. Mining facilities represent large, dynamic electrical loads that can be used to balance and redistribute energy to electrical grids during times of need.

Perhaps no other example illustrates this more than the ongoing efforts between the Electrical Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) and Bitcoin miners to stabilize electrical grids. The GOP lawmaker explained that in 2022, Bitcoin miners were able to sell 1500 megawatts of energy back to the grid during peak demand. A similar pattern played out in 2024, with Bitcoin mining infrastructure acting as a Controllable Load Resource for Texas’ grid during winter storm Heather.

A 30% tax would hurt the environment that regulators claim to protect
The Wyoming senator explained that levying a 30% excise tax on Bitcoin miners would disincentivize them from seeking sustainable forms of energy and novel energy recycling techniques. Although Lummis gave the example of sequestering methane from trash dumps to mine Bitcoin, similar examples can be seen in El Salvador, where the government mined 474 Bitcoin using volcanic energy.

Another example of the energy efficiencies introduced by Bitcoin mining can be found in the Satakunta region of Finland, where an entire community of 11,000 individuals is warmed by excess heat produced by a Marathon Digital mining facility.

The mining giant also signed an agreement with Kenya’s government earlier this year to further develop the country’s renewable energy sector, a thriving industry already delivering up to 80% of the country’s energy needs.

The Laffer Curve will get the final laugh
Lummis concluded her report by arguing that increasing taxes on Bitcoin miners will lead to the industry leaving the United States, reducing the sought-after tax revenues. This inverse relationship between tax rates and tax revenue is known as the Laffer Curve.

Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (5)

A chart highlighting Bitcoin hashrate dominance between global powers from 2019-2022. Source: Powering Down Progress by Senator Cynthia Lummis

The senator pointed out that this has already happened in China, where the 2021 mining ban drove out the once-thriving mining industry.

Before the ban, Chinese miners controlled a majority of the Bitcoin network’s hashrate.

@ Newshounds News™

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Coin Telegraph


What are the strongest currencies in the world? (2024)

Ever wondered which is the strongest currency in the world? There are lots of factors which can push a currency up the global rankings, from low inflation to a strong economy, to interest rates or oil and gas exports.

What is currency strength?
According to Nasdaq a strong currency is:

“A currency whose value compared to other currencies is improving, as indicated by a decrease in the direct >exchange rates for the currency”.

Put simply, the definition of a ‘strong currency’iswhen a currency is worth more than another country's currency. ‘Currency strength’ refers to how strong or weak a currency is at any given time.

What are the top 10 strongest currencies?

1. Kuwaiti dinar
The Kuwaiti dinar (KWD) is the world’s strongest currency, and this is for a number of reasons. For starters, Kuwait has one of the largest oil reserves in the world.

It’s also a wealthy country, whose government has prioritised the growth of the country’s private sector, the diversification of the economy and responsible budgetary policies. All of these factors have contributed to the stability and resilience of the Kuwaiti dinar.

Today 1 USD = 0.305640 KWD

2. Bahraini dinar
The second most valuable global currency is the Bahraini dinar (BHD). Oil and gas again play a part in the Bahraini dinar’s strength, as a major part of the country’s income derives from exports of gas and oil.

Bahrain has also become a regional financial hub, which has attracted international capital and helped to expand the country’s economy.

Today 1 USD = 0.377000 BHD

3. Omani rial
The Omani rial (OMR) is another of the world’s strongest currencies, again thanks to exports of oil and gas. However, the government in Oman is working on lessening the country’s dependence on oil markets. It has taken steps to support other industries in order to diversify the economy, which should help to sustain the resilience of the rial.

Today 1 USD = 0.385015 OMR

4. Jordanian dinar
The Jordanian dinar (JOD) is high up the list of the world’s strongest currencies for a combination of reasons. It is an oil and gas exporting nation, but is less dependent on this than some of its neighbours.

Other factors contributing to the dinar’s success include the actions of Jordan’s central bank, which has taken a cautious approach to monetary and fiscal policy. It is dedicated to price stability and exchange rate flexibility, as well as keeping ample foreign exchange reserves to protect against external shocks.

Today 1 USD = 0.708500 JOD

5. British pound
Now we come to a familiar currency - the British pound sterling or GBP. The pound is the fifth-strongest world currency in 2024, despite the turbulence of Brexit and uncertainty surrounding ties between the UK and the EU. The UK has also experienced political upheaval, such as the ‘mini budget’ by then-PM Liz Truss which triggered a major drop in the value of the pound.

While the pound may have experienced volatility over the last few years, it remains one of the most popularly traded currencies. Its strength and resilience is partly down to the UK’s reputation as one of the world’s biggest countries by Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Today 1 USD = 0.773784 GBP

*️⃣NOTE: Since this article was published the British pound has moved to 6th place and the Gibraltar pound has move up to the 5th position.

6. Gibraltar pound
In the sixth spot on our list is the Gibraltar pound (GIP). The driving force behind its stability and strength is its relationship to the British pound (GBP). The GIP is pegged to the GBP, and the two countries maintain a close relationship.

Today 1 USD = 0.773754 GIP

7. Cayman Islands dollar
The Cayman Islands dollar (KYD) derives its strength and stability due to the territory’s status as a leading global financial hub. The islands are home to a wide range of financial institutions, enterprises and investment funds, all attracted by a robust regulatory system, advanced banking infrastructure and advantageous tax policies.

Today 1 USD = 0.820000 KYD

8. Swiss franc
The 8th strongest global currency is the Swiss franc (CHF). The Swiss National Bank (SNB) ensures the stability of the currency with a range of crucial measures. This includes implementing monetary policy, maintaining price stability and supervising banks and the financial sector in Switzerland. All of this bolsters investor confidence in the Swiss franc.

Today 1 USD = 0.884350 CHF

9. Euro
The euro (EUR) is one of the world’s major reserve currencies, whose value is influenced by a large number of variable factors. This is because it is the currency of 20 EU member countries, all with their own economic policies.

However, monetary policy and price stability within the region is overseen by the European Central Bank (ECB). The bank has taken steps to maintain the stability and reliability of the euro, primarily by careful management of inflation.

Today 1 USD = 0.921700 EUR

10. US dollar
Last, we have the US dollar (USD) - the world’s 10th strongest currency. You might be surprised not to see the dollar higher up the list, as it is by far the most traded currency on the planet. Plus, the US economy is the biggest in the world in terms of GDP. The dollar is used to price commodities, and it’s also one of the world’s largest reserve currencies. Major US banks are also global leaders.

However, the strength of a currency is determined by complex factors, including supply and demand in the foreign exchange market.

What is the weakest currency in the world?
The Iranian rial (IRR) is the weakest currency in the world.5

What is the most traded currency in the world?
The US dollar is the world’s most traded currency.²

How is foreign currency priced?

There are two main ways that foreign currency is priced. The first uses a floating rate, which is determined by the open market through global supply and demand. If the currency is in demand, its value usually increases.

The second pricing method is a fixed rate, also known as a pegged rate. This is determined by the government through its central bank, and is set against another major global currency (such as USD or EUR, for example).

What is the most stable global currency?
The Swiss franc (CHF) is generally considered to be the most stable currency in the world in 2024.6

What is the strongest currency pair?
The strongest currency pair is the euro (EUR) and US dollar (USD),7 as it is one of the most commonly traded and both locations have large and strong economies.

How do I know which currency is stronger?
One of the easiest ways to work out which currency is stronger is to compare one currency to another, using exchange rates. A higher exchange rate suggests that a currency is stronger compared to the other.

In what country is GBP worth the most?
To determine where GBP is worth the most, you would typically look at exchange rates against other currencies. But remember that exchange rates fluctuate constantly based on factors such as economic conditions, interest rates and geopolitical events.

This means you’ll need to look at exchange rate data to see which country's currency offers the most favourable exchange rate against the British pound at any given time. When researching, watch out for hidden fees to make sure you’re getting the fairest price. At Wise, we’re transparent and upfront about the cost, we use the mid-market rate, and never hide fees*.

@ Newshounds News™

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, July 23 and you're listening to the big call. Thanks. Everybody was out there. Tuned in, and I have a maya cupa - an apology to make - I screwed up trying to turn off the recording on Thursday night's call, and many of you who tried to tune into it or listen to the replay were denied, denied.

I eight, and I'm sorry about that, I really am, because it was a good call, and I wanted it to get out there. And unfortunately I misdialed something on ending the recording, and it was it was gone. Gone into the Ethernet - so many of you probably tuned in on Friday to the little Intel update that I recorded to give you some idea at least of what the Intel was from the call Thursday night, but here we are on a Tuesday.

Didn't expect to be on a call tonight, but here we are. So we're doing it, and looking forward to you guys getting the most you can glean from this call.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, July 23 and you're listening to the big call. Thanks. Everybody was out there. Tuned in, and I have a maya cupa - an apology to make - I screwed up trying to turn off the recording on Thursday night's call, and many of you who tried to tune into it or listen to the replay were denied, denied.

I eight, and I'm sorry about that, I really am, because it was a good call, and I wanted it to get out there. And unfortunately I misdialed something on ending the recording, and it was it was gone. Gone into the Ethernet - so many of you probably tuned in on Friday to the little Intel update that I recorded to give you some idea at least of what the Intel was from the call Thursday night, but here we are on a Tuesday.

Didn't expect to be on a call tonight, but here we are. So we're doing it, and looking forward to you guys getting the most you can glean from this call.

Okay, little after ten - let's go into where we are intel wise -. This is going to be an interesting week for us. There's a lot happening all around us, we know that - politically, if you're paying attention at all, wow, we have had quite a week haven’t we – so far I mean - we have for days, and it's not going to get any easier.

In fact, don't be surprised if the Early broadcast system, the EBS, the emergency alert system, the Emergency Alert System and the EWS, emergency warning system come up and get utilized, starting tomorrow or Thursday, and there's been discussion as to, you guys have no idea there's so much going on right now globally, the arrest globally, I think they did get finished – I think two days ago, but there's still activity in Canada, the US, and hopefully that is about over.

It was supposed to be by now, but this is a time when things are coming together for us. To give you an example, yesterday, talking to the redemption center and bank people. The Bank screens were not showing rates, but the redemption center is showing blinking rates

Today it was the opposite – Bank screens were showing blinking rates and redemption centers were blank. Then later in the afternoon today, the redemption centers, which is what we're most concerned with, are showing solid rates, but in grayscale and in grayscale, you can't quite make out what those rates are, but my understanding is that by one morning, at 9:30am Eastern Daylight Time, we will have solid rates on the screens - at 930 in the morning,

We're also hearing that staff is being sent in as early as 10am and also at 2pm to cover the day. And it should be that we get notified tomorrow and start exchanges tomorrow. Now that is what we're hearing. I should start Wednesday and go through Thurs – Fri – and Saturday.

Haven't heard about Sunday yet. We're hearing that we're supposed to be notified by those emails with the 800 number included, so that we canI hope everything goes welmay I ask what he charged to do all of that?

call and set our appointment and then go in for our exchanges, if not tomorrow, then Thursday.

I'm pretty sure we're going to start or we should start tomorrow. So that's obviously this going finally, is what we're all looking forward to receiving. Don't be surprised. And by the way, when you get the emergency broadcast system in order to submit EWS and all that that is designed to cover for us. So I’m excited that is about to occur. I think you guys have seen some political change already.

There may be more political change happening soon. So I'm just looking forward to getting started on what I guess we expect in the way of notifications of setting our appointments and so on.

As far as anything else goes, remember, the Dinar has a so called contract rate. They are supposed to offer that here in the United States to US citizens, I can't tell you exactly what it is but it is very high, and I look forward to that. And obviously Zim holders are going to be given priority and precedent going in your Zim holder, you do get priority as far as the med beds are concerned, because they do want those of us who will be around to do our projects for many, many, many years to have a shot at that by living much longer than our normal lifespan.

So don't be surprised by that fact. You should be aware and look forward to going into the Med Beds to to gain that longevity so you can complete your projects into the future. Okay? That’s kind of important

I'll tell you guys, we have waited a long time for this, and the information that I got is, you know, this afternoon to say when these are going, it's very positive, and I believe we're finally at that point where it can start. So we shall see.

Now, I don't know. Really we don't have when these emails are going to come out to us, when our notification holders are supposed to be notified tomorrow and access funds tomorrow or Thursday. We're trying to go pretty much in tandem with the bondholders. I believe, changes tomorrow.

It's possible we would get notified and not start. I believe they want us to start, and then call out set appointment and start, hopefully tomorrow. Okay, so that's what I wanted to share tonight.

All right, so that's what we're going to say tonight. Let's go ahead and pray the call out, and I'll do my best to retain the recording tonight.

So everybody we will be talking by email. So thanks everybody so much for listening. We appreciate you, and we look forward to being in touch with you when we do our projects and take these so thank you so much everybody for listening.

And also, thank you everybody else listening this big call universe. Thank you. And so we'll be in touch, and to time with you. Especially in getting some of our projects, initiated, but for right now, everybody just enjoy the weekend. And before you look for your emails in morning, I would say, all right. All right, thank you, everybody. Good night. God bless you.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:40


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-18-24 REPLAY LINK Recorded Call not available

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-11-24REPLAY LINK 1:11:40


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:20


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-4-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-2-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:20


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:30


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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

Chris Macintosh: We are Facing a 1 in 100-Year Financial Rebalancing

Palisades Gold Radio: 7-24-2024

Tom Bodrovics welcomes a new guest to the show Chris Macintosh. Chris is the founder of CapitalistExploits and a seasoned hedge fund manager with experience in seven countries.

They engage in a discussion revolving around ongoing recalibrations and rotations in capital markets, focusing primarily on the deindustrialization of the West and financialization as significant shifts over the last few decades.

Chris underlines the disconnect between Western nations' massive market caps and their actual production capabilities. He also discusses short-term changes such as the increasing dominance of few companies in the S&P 500, accounting for a substantial percentage of market capitalization, and passive capital flows from Western economies affecting investing, particularly smaller companies.

Chris Macintosh: We are Facing a 1 in 100-Year Financial Rebalancing

Palisades Gold Radio: 7-24-2024

Tom Bodrovics welcomes a new guest to the show Chris Macintosh. Chris is the founder of CapitalistExploits and a seasoned hedge fund manager with experience in seven countries.

They engage in a discussion revolving around ongoing recalibrations and rotations in capital markets, focusing primarily on the deindustrialization of the West and financialization as significant shifts over the last few decades.

Chris underlines the disconnect between Western nations' massive market caps and their actual production capabilities. He also discusses short-term changes such as the increasing dominance of few companies in the S&P 500, accounting for a substantial percentage of market capitalization, and passive capital flows from Western economies affecting investing, particularly smaller companies.

Chris expands on the potential consequences of a mere 10% rebalance in Western markets, emphasizing instability arising from massive sovereign debts, derivative markets, and potential debt cycle inflation. He highlights the anomaly of passive capital flows toward large cap stocks and the importance of asymmetry in investing for low downside risk with significant upside potential.

Chris mentions automation selling during a downturn and seeking contrarian sectors as an alternative investment strategy. The conversation shifts to cover geopolitical risks, including the possibility of 'great taking' or conflict, having assets outside the financial system in counter-cyclical, counter-jurisdictional asset classes like food, shelter, agriculture, precious metals, and maintaining a long-term perspective.

Chris discusses the importance of education, problem-solving skills, diversification, and taking action to deal with fear. He prefers Latin and South America for living and investing.

He advocates for banking in multiple jurisdictions and investing in cash-flowing businesses.

Time Stamp References:

0:00 – Introduction

1:07 - Economic Overview & Trends

14:30 - Derivatives & Rebalancing

24:14 - A Silent Bull Market

27:59 - Liquidity Analysis

31:30 - Great Taking & Risks

36:05 - Cloudstrike & Russia

39:08 - War & Capital Shifts

42:57 - Politics Stability & Capital

49:07 - Interesting Jurisdictions

54:19 - Banking & Diversification

58:24 - Fear, Volatility & Action

1:04:13 - Wrap Up

Talking Points From This Episode

- The West's massive market caps vs production capabilities create instability due to debt and derivative risks.

- The impact of passive capital flows on investing, with unloved sectors offering potential protection.

– Preparing for a rotation away from overvalued equities and towards undervalued sectors.


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